Category: Research

Harm Reduction & Homeslessness Resources

Harm reduction is an approach or strategy aimed at reducing the risks and harmful effects associated with substance use and addictive behaviours for the individual, the community and society as a whole. It is deemed a realistic, pragmatic, humane and successful approach to addressing issues of substance use. Recognizing that abstinence may be neither a… Read more »

Mental Health Training Survey Results

Thanks to everyone who completed the on-line mental health survey over the past several weeks. Your input was very helpful in determining the most relevant and timely topics to further develop. Given that our resources are limited, we wanted to prioritize the topics that you’ve identified over the past several years as topic areas in… Read more »

Momentum Health Study

The Momentum Health Study is a new sexual health study for gay, bi and other men who have sex with men in the Greater Vancouver area coordinated by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, in clinical partnership with the Vancouver Coastal Health STOP HIV/AIDS Team and supported by the Health Initiative for Men, YouthCO… Read more »

5 Questions with Peer Researcher Valerie Nicholson

Valerie has worked on various projects with PAN. Valerie Nicholson is a grandmother, mother, and proud resident of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). She is the co-founder of the Harvest Organic Coop, a fruit and veggie coop for people with compromised immune systems, those affected and infected, housed (gratefully!) at AIDS Vancouver. She is also a… Read more »

TEDTalk with Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, drugs and HIV

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives for 18 minutes. Elizabeth Pisani shares her opinion of the myriad of inconsistencies in today’s political systems that may prevent the effective fighting of the spread… Read more »

CBR Musings: Is what we do informed by what we know?

Knowledge mobilization.  Knowledge transfer. Knowledge translation. Knowledge exchange. These are some of the buzzwords that have remained popular in Canadian research circles over the past few years as the goal of making sure that research findings get “put to work” has been high on the lists of research funders, universities, and community stakeholders alike. Knowledge… Read more »

5 Questions with Peer Researcher Andrew Beckerman

Andrew has worked on various projects with PAN. Andrew Beckerman is a retired architect who lives in Victoria, BC, and has been HIV+ since 1980. He credits being alive today to his participation in the first Crixivan® trial. He has served on various Boards. Andrew came to Canada from the US where he was engaged… Read more »

You are being invited to participate in a community led, community level evaluation of the STOP (“Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of HIV/AIDS”) Pilot Project. The STOP Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG) and Reciprocal Consulting are conducting this evaluation with AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) and Community Based Organizations across the province. This survey is… Read more »

CBR Musings Blog – July 2012

Review: What’s Hot in HIV Research Research, research everywhere but what to read? Where to start? I’ve been musing about how the lovely World Wide Web makes research so much more accessible, especially with the advent of social media where news and research “find us.” I’m always interested in seeing what colleagues in the HIV/AIDS… Read more »