As part of our Training and Leadership programs, we created an event designed specifically for teams working on Vancouver Island, with a focus on the Mid to North Island. Comunity consultation helped us shape this event which took place March 24 and 25, 2022 over Zoom.
To make the translation from live event to on-demand viewing, all recordings have been slightly edited for optimal experience.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Welcome, Elder opening and territory acknowledgement by Barb Whyte
Alcohol Harm Reduction – Managed Alcohol Programs
Presenters: Dr. Bernie Pauly, CISUR-UVic, and Alexa Bisaillon, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Health and Family Services
Indigenous Harm Reduction-Reducing the Harms of Colonialism
Due to some administrative issues this video is not currently available. If the video becomes available in the future we will post it here. Thank you for your understanding. To learn more about the Indigenous Harm Reduction Team please visit their website here.
I’m Ready to Know – HIV Self Testing
Presenter: Janice Duddy, PAN
Friday, March 25, 2022
Welcome, Elder opening and territory acknowledgement by Barb Whyte
Building relationships with municipalities for advancing harm reduction
Presenter(s): Cheryl Dowden, Executive Director, ANKORS (Nelson)
Healing Inner Voices – Film Screening and discussion
Presenters: Martin Morberg and Flo Ranville
Healing Inner Voices is a peer-led project to reduce stigma, build community and create cultural safety. Through the lived experiences and voices of eight Indigenous people living with HIV, the short documentary combines storytelling and the healing power of Indigenous culture to reflect on the realities of stigma and discrimination for Indigenous people. Project creator Martin Morberg and participant Flo Ranville introduced the film. To learn more about the film and book a screening in your community, visit the film’s site page on Drawing
We greatly appreciate the vision of our government funders and their ongoing commitment to supporting the work of PAN. In particular we gratefully acknowledge the Public Health Agency of Canada – HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.