Like HIV, hepatitis C (also called hep C or HCV) can be a challenging health condition. It is different from HIV in that treatment can result in a cure 95% of the time. Many PAN members provide hep c support services and education, alongside HIV, harm reduction and related services, and some are solely dedicated to hepatitis C issues. If you’re looking to connect with service providers in your region, see the list of our member organizations.
Voices of Lived Experience
Explorations in Leadership for people with lived experience of hepatitis C: This online self-paced course provides participants opportunities to listen and learn from other people with experience of hep C. Build your awareness, skills, and action to strengthen your abilities as a leader.. The course is broken down into sections with lessons that contain a combination of video, audio, image, and text media to present the information. For more information, or to register for the free online course, click here.
Hepatitis C Leadership Project: PAN’s peer-led initiative and the foundation of the Explorations in Leadership course.
PAN Hep C focused events – watch on-demand
This community event presented some of the layers of living with hepatitis C. Sessions include Micro-elimination of hep C; Extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C; Intricacies of living with hep C long term: a PWLLE panel.
This event is available to view on-demand. Sessions include equitable access to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs; changing the hep C cascade of care for women, and hearing about stigma experiences of women.
Community Discussion Forum on HIV/Hepatitis C Testing Technologies in BC
Our Community Discussion Forum on HIV/Hepatitis C Testing Technologies in BC featured a presentation from Shriya Hari from CATIE, who provided insights on the latest testing technologies available for HIV and Hepatitis C in Canada.
Hepatitis C Testing to Treatment Know-How
Dr. Sofia Bartlett presents information about different kinds of hepatitis; hepatitis C testing and what different methods can tell us; hepatitis C prevalence in BC, and where we are at in meeting health outcome targets. She also talked about treatment, what a “cure” means; reinfection, and more.
Promoting access to hepatitis C care for youth who use drugs
Hepatitis C is highly treatable, and once a person begins treatment, they can be cured within a few months. Yet starting treatment isn’t as easy as that for many. In this webinar, researcher Jessica Jacob shares findings from a study looking at how youth who use drugs experience hep C related healthcare access.
Advocacy and Education
BC Hepatitis Network is a provincial organization whose mission is to “collaborate with and support community partners, health care providers, researchers and people with lived and living experience to reduce the impacts of viral hepatitis and eliminate hepatitis C in BC.”
Action Hepatitis Canada is a national coalition of organizations responding to viral hepatitis. Action Hepatitis Canada engages government, policy makers, and civil society across Canada to promote viral hepatitis prevention, improve access to care and treatment, increase knowledge and innovation, create public health awareness, build health-professional capacity, and support community-based groups and initiatives.
A few Action Hepatitis Canada reports:
Immigration Health is Public Health report (2024) (2024)
2023 Progress Toward Viral Hepatitis Elimination Report
2021 Progress Toward Viral Hepatitis Elimination in Canada report (2021)
Blueprint to Inform Hepatitis C Elimination in Canada
HCV Manifesto shows some of the challenges people with lived experience of hepatitis C, and ways these can be approached.
Hepatitis C information and Care
BC Hepatitis Clinics: The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) provides an interactive map of BC that shows hepatitis clinics locations, contact information, and services provided.
Hepatitis C Information for Immigrants and Newcomers From Ontario-based, CATIE, this site provides basic up-to-date hepatitis C information in multiple languages: English, French, Arabic, Bengali, Simplified Chinese, Filipino, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Communicable Diseases Care and Information for Indigenous Communities, First Nations Health Authority
Disease information from the BC Centre for Disease Control
Hepatitis C Tracking (Surveillance)
BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort: monitors disease burden related to hepatitis and associated infections and social conditions, evaluates impact of interventions, and monitors hepatitis program progress to inform policy and programming in British Columbia and Canada.
Hepatitis C surveillance in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada)
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See PAN’s Hepatitis C posts on our News and Community Events page.
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As with all of our Resources, this is a work in progress. Please contact us to share suggestions for additions.
This information was last updated May 29, 2024