PAN’s community-based research (CBR) projects and issue-focused assessments investigate issues identified by BC communities. Research builds community knowledge and decision-making, and also helps provide information that can be used to promote positive policy change and collective action.
We use findings from research to work with allies in community, health authorities, and other stakeholders to inform them of health and social inequities, and to identify directions for change.
Community Assessments
The COVID-19 pandemic and an increasingly toxic illicit drug supply introduced new and increased risks for people who use drugs. In March 2020, the province announced new guidance on safe supply (also referred to as “Risk Mitigation” or “pandemic prescribing”). In response, and following PAN member requests we developed a survey for PAN members to gather stories of success, challenges, and impacts and to see how PAN could best support our members’ in this work. We are regularly collecting data from PAN members, for more information and results visit PAN’s Safe Supply Survey webpage.
This report presents the results of a rapid assessment conducted to explore the impact of the overdose crisis on PAN member organizations. We asked questions about the biggest challenges organizations are facing as they adapt to more harm reduction program delivery, capacity-building needs, and what program formats would best meet them. We have used the results for programs, resources, and advocacy.
Community-based research at Pacific AIDS Network
Making It Work (MIW) is an Indigenous-focused, community-based research project aimed at understanding what services work well for people living with HIV, hepatitis C, and/or challenges with mental health and/or substance use. Researchers wish to better understand whether people facing these challenges experience better outcomes when they access services from organizations that approach care through an Indigenous view of health and well-being and also link case management services with community development programs.
BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index
The BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index (often called the Stigma Index) is a dynamic research project in British Columbia born out of a community-identified need to turn the tide against persistent HIV stigma and discrimination. Linked to the international People Living with HIV Stigma Index initiative, it is the first community-based research (CBR) study in British Columbia to document experiences of stigma and discrimination from the perspective of people living with HIV.
Positive Living, Positive Homes
Housing has been identified as a critical health determinant for people living with, or at risk of, HIV and AIDS. While community-based organizations recognize housing is an important issue for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and those most “at risk,” housing for PLHIV and those at-risk is not systematically addressed in policies and programs. Findings from Positive LIving, Positive Homes is being used to identify inequities and policy recommendations.