Harm reduction is an approach or strategy aimed at reducing the risks and harmful effects associated with substance use and addictive behaviours for the individual, the community and society as a whole. It is deemed a realistic, pragmatic, humane and successful approach to addressing issues of substance use. Recognizing that abstinence may be neither a realistic or a desirable goal for some users (especially in the short term), the use of substances is accepted as a fact and the main focus is placed on reducing harm while use continues.
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Homeless Hub Research Summary
Unequal health outcomes and unfair access to health care has been identified as a major problem in Canada, even though publically health care is available for all residents. People who use drugs and are street involved face major barriers to health care and their life expectancy is lower than those of the general public. A person’s social position is strongly tied to his/her quality of life and those at the bottom of the social ladder generally have the poorest health. The individual values of health care staff often get in the way of those that need health care the most.
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