Happy Fall!
I know. Is anyone actually really ready for summer’s end? I am certainly not, but the months on the calendar do keep slipping by and despite my desire to freeze frame August- alas, here we are!
Truth be told, I am actually excited about September and the PAN gathering at the end of the month. I always find going to PAN such a great learning and heart experience. And it is so wonderful to see so many old friends.
I am also excited because we are moving forward with some ideas to bring to the group and to the Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Advisory Council. We are continuing to develop training and resources for PAN member agencies on mental health, substance use and HIV/HCV.
Ideally, we would like to develop a couple of webinars this fall. These would be available on the PAN website and therefore accessible to anyone interested.
There are certainly many interesting and timely topics that we could tackle- ranging from therapeutic strategies for mental health concerns to information and research on issues such as trauma, grief and loss; fostering resilience, and Aboriginal mental health- to name just a few.
We have been collating the evaluation feedback from the previous Mental health, substance use and HIV/HCV trainings and have developed a list of the topics people have identified that they are interested in learning more about and discussing. These have been incorporated into a very brief survey. This survey will take about 3 mins to complete and I encourage you to please make your interests known. This will be very helpful – as it will assist us in prioritizing and developing the most important information/ training for you.
Please click here for the 3 minute survey!!!!
I will close the survey by October 1. The results will be posted here!
Thank you,

Questions or comments? Please email: [email protected]
Carlene Dingwall (BA, M.Ed, PhD Candidate)
Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Initiative