Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

2022 World AIDS Day and Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week

  World AIDS Day is (December 1) and Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week is December 1-7. You and your communities can share resources and attend events to remember the people who have died, and their unique places within HIV/AIDS communities honour the experiences of people living with HIV and AIDS share knowledge about HIV remember historical… Read more »

The Safer Bathroom Toolkit

  From the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research   Bathrooms can provide private, seemingly safe spaces for people to use substances, especially when they are unable to access supervised consumption or overdose prevention sites. Even when these designated services are available, some people will continue to use substances in bathrooms. There are several reasons… Read more »

Have your say on HIV criminalization!

  Last month, the Government of Canada announced the start of a public consultation on HIV criminalization. From now until January, you can have your say and tell the government that it’s past time to change the misguided and harmful law on HIV non-disclosure. The federal government needs to hear from you about why criminalizing… Read more »

  On Tuesday November 1, BC’s Select Standing Committee on Health released the report Closing Gaps, Reducing Barriers: Expanding the response to the toxic drug and overdose crisis. The report notes that the Select Standing Committee on Health (SSCH) gathered input from government ministries, health authorities, and other relevant agencies (PAN presented with CSUN), through written… Read more »

Substance Use News, October 2022

  Substance Use News provides a monthly collection of news and resources on the social, medical and political responses to the toxic drug supply crisis. Info for People Who Use Substances: get the latest alerts, and tips on how to stay safe from Toward the Heart. Visit our Substance Use and Harm Reduction page for more resources.   … Read more »

After hearing from numerous Indigenous communities, and also from Indigenous partners about the need resources to help individuals find ways to improve their mental health and well-being as a result of COVID-19 that has caused stress and loss for many people, the CV-19 Indigenous Knowledge Translation Working Group at the BC Centre for Disease Control has… Read more »

  From the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS: Thrive Research Report: Policy and Care Recommendations   Older adults living with HIV (i.e., age ≥50) now constitute over 50% of all people accessing HIV treatment in BC. As older adults living with HIV (OALHIV) age, the need for supportive care in non-acute settings, including home… Read more »

Activism in the Arts: AIDS and Classical Music Exhibition

  Contemporary classical music provided its responses to, and sources of support during, the early years of the AIDS epidemic: music that addressed the rampant fear, anger, frustration, defiance, longing, and loss from that time. The exhibition “I’ve Got U Under My Skin: AIDS & Classical Music” at University of British Columbia in Vancouver includes… Read more »

HIV Legal Network Strategic Plan: Rights Within Reach

from HIV Legal Network   Introducing Rights Within Reach: Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Beginning in 2021, The HIV Legal Network undertook a comprehensive assessment process, involving key stakeholders, current and former staff, and board members, to identify our strengths and our areas for growth. We looked at the areas where our work has changed laws, policies,… Read more »

from CATIE   November 23, 2022 9 AM-10:30 AM Pacific time CATIE is presenting this webinar in partnership with the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC). Despite huge developments in hepatitis C treatment, there continues to be a need for increased testing and linkage to care, with 9,500 new infections and more than 200,000 people… Read more »

Year in Review, 2021-22

  “We want to acknowledge the work and effort of our member organizations year over year: we see you. We hear you. Thank you for carrying on and inspiring us. We know that you are working in the face of some profound challenges.” — Executive Director’s Message   Excerpt from Executive Director’s Message: Peers, allies… Read more »