Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

2019-20 Year in Review: Training and Leadership

The Year in Review   PAN’s Training and Leadership department offers in-person training events, virtual knowledge sharing and capacity building events; and a wealth of continuously updated resources via our website.  As in years past, we have presented a range of in-person events. However, with the emergence of COVID-19, we had to reshape the events… Read more »

2019-20 Year in Review: Community-Based Research

The Year in Review This year has been a busy one for the Community-Based Research (CBR) Department at PAN! We currently support three signature CBR projects – the BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index, Making it Work, and Positive Living, Positive Homes. We also support capacity-building relating to CBR with our members and allies… Read more »

2019-20 Year in Review: Collective Impact Network

The Year in Review   In the last year, through the omnipresent and work-altering impacts of COVID-19, PAN has continued to steer the ‘coordinated and effective community-based response to HIV and hepatitis C in our province’, the stated goal of the Collective Impact Network (CIN). An added uncertainty was that all the community contracts with… Read more »

2019-20 Year in Review: Evaluation

The Year in Review   This has been a year of growth for our evaluation work at PAN and the department continues to be very active on a number of evaluation programs, projects and fee-for-service contracts.   The CIHR Centre for REACH (REACH Nexus) One of the biggest changes over the last year has been… Read more »

2019-20 Year in Review: Resources

The Year in Review   PAN resources are constantly evolving to support the many moving parts in the dynamic work of our communities. Resources range from short reads to deep dives on health and social justice issues, to videos available live and on-demand. Our News and Views section features weekly blogs offering community training events,… Read more »

Flu Shot Finder

If you’re planning to get a flu shot this year, you will want to think ahead. For those who usually rely on a drop-in option at a clinic or pharmacy, appointments will be required. Given COVID-19 physical distancing considerations, appointments will be spaced apart to keep encounters as safe as possible. The following information is… Read more »

The Year in Review: Message from PAN Leadership

Rising to the challenges of our times J. Evin Jones, Executive Director and Board Co-Chairs, Katrina Jensen and Patrick McDougall   Dear Friends, Since the time of last year’s annual report, while PAN and our member organizations have realized many successes, it has been an incredibly challenging year. The overdose crisis is worse than ever… Read more »

BC’s Overdose Overview: September 27 – October 3, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides weekly updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics… Read more »

COVID-19 has brought health inequities to the forefront including the tragic impact on people who use drugs. The closure of international borders has impeded the flow of illicit drugs between countries, and the result is a street supply that is more poisoned than ever. Overdose events and deaths have increased to devastating levels- more people… Read more »

Dr. Sean Rourke will present the HIV Self-Testing National Survey Results: Knowledge, Access, Usability, Supports, and Barriers.  In addition to this we will provide an update on the Health Canada approval for the INSTI HIV Self-Test and introduce you to some materials that we have developed to support the promotion of HIV self-testing in Canada…. Read more »

Substance Use News: September 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working to support folks who use substances. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. With the added layer of the coronoavirus/COVID-19 public health constraints, those working in harm reduction have heightened… Read more »