Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

Substance Use News, November 2021

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working in harm reduction. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. With the added layer of the coronavirus/COVID-19 public health constraints, those working in harm reduction have heightened concerns about how to… Read more »

We welcome today’s statement from Health Minister Adrian Dix acknowledging World AIDS Day and Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week. We want to thank Minister Dix and Ministry of Health staff for inviting PAN to help inform some of the messaging for this year’s WAD statement. Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, has issued the following statement in… Read more »

World AIDS Day 2021

December 1  On December 1st, the 33rd World AIDS Day and the start of Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week, PAN and its member organizations stand with people living with HIV and AIDS. We also mourn those we have lost and celebrate their lives and achievements. This year’s UNAIDS World AIDS Day theme is ‘End Inequalities. End… Read more »

Canada’s response to HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections (STBBIs) is desperately lacking. HIV infections are up (11% in the past decade) despite highly effective testing, treatment and prevention methods. Significant outbreaks of syphilis and gonorrhea are causing alarm. Help reverse these trends by sending a letter to the Minister of… Read more »

Special Virtual Event: Two-Spirit Reconciliation

Date: Thursday December 16, 2021 Time: 10 AM – 1:30 PM Pacific time   We are pleased to announce a West Coast learning and discussion virtual event with Cree Two-Spirit community organizer, researcher and educator Harlan Pruden. This two-part event will situate Two-Spirit people in Indigenous and colonial histories, and how we can work towards… Read more »

Presenter: Guy Felicella Moderator: J. Evin Jones Date: Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 Time:  1:00-2:00 PM The next in our PAN Presents webinar series concentrates on alternative models of safer supply, something that stirred up interest during our last webinar with the BCCSU. Guy Felicella will springboard from his statement “We need to meet substance users where they’re at,… Read more »

    Date: December 1, 2021 (World AIDS Day) Time (Updated): 2- 4 PM Location: Vancouver AIDS Memorial Wall, Sunset Beach (Beach Ave and Jervis St), Vancouver Many have experienced a heightened sense of loss, isolation and frustration over the past two years. The COVID pandemic, the overdose crisis, ongoing inaction on Truth and Reconciliation,… Read more »

The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P. Minister of Health Health Canada Sent via email: [email protected] November 17, 2021   Dear Minister Duclos: On behalf of the organizations enumerated above, we write to congratulate you and wish you success as Minister of Health. At this time, our group of community-based and human rights organizations delivering Canada’s… Read more »

Interested in joining BCCDC’s Sexual Health Advisory Group?

The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) STI Services Program is forming an advisory committee called the Sexual Health Advisory Group (SHAG). SHAG members will participate in monthly meetings to help inform the development and improvement of projects, tools, and services within BCCDC STI Services. Please share this opportunity with folks within your network who… Read more »

The I’m Ready HIV self-testing research program has released its first data summary! Launched in June 2021, I’m Ready invites people to download its I’m Ready, Test app to join the program, after which they can order up to three free HIV self-test kits for delivery or to be picked up at over 80 participating… Read more »