Category: Resources

HepCBC’s hepc.bull Newsletter 20th Anniversary Edition!

Happy 20th Birthday, hepc.bull! Hope you will enjoy HepCBC’s 20th Anniversary hepc.bull Newsletter! Pages 9-12 of this issue are a reprint of the original March 1996 issue! We can hardly believe it ourselves…the hepc.bull is 20 years old? YES! GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT: Much of the March, 1996 issue shows the awkward beginnings of what became an… Read more »

This report summarizes the results of a national survey of programs and services which address the needs of older people living with HIV in Canada. It is accompanied by a companion document which provides brief descriptions of each of the 21 unique HIV and aging-related programs and services identified by the scan. To access the… Read more »

SmartSexResource – Making sense of HIV window periods

by Darlene Taylor, Research Manager, BC Women’s Health Research Institute Testing for HIV can create anxiety for many individuals, especially those who want to know as soon as possible whether or not they are HIV positive. There are a variety of tests that are used to detect HIV; some test for antibodies against HIV while… Read more »

We are pleased to announce the launch of the solicitation of Letters of Intent for the Public Health Agency of Canada’s HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (Community Action Fund). Thanks to your continued engagement and valuable input over the past year, we have developed our approach to the Community Action Fund by considering… Read more »

The Supporting Mothers in Ways that Work forum was held in Vancouver, BC in September 2014. The purpose of this forum was to bring together health and social service providers, women living with HIV and researchers from across BC to discuss issues and strengthen regional networks to enhance services for mothers living with HIV. Rather than… Read more »

The Department of Criminology at Ryerson University, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and PASAN (Prisoners with HIV Support Action Network) have released a research report entitled ‘On Point: Recommendations for Prison-Based Needle and Syringe Programs in Canada’. This report is the culmination of a multi-phase, multi-year undertaking that involved broad consultation and primary research to create… Read more »

PHSA HIV & HCV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services RFP

Thank you for your continued patience and input throughout the public procurement process. For your information the PHSA HIV & HCV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services request for proposals has now been posted on BC Bid. Please follow the steps below to download the RFP: ·         Go to ·         Click on ‘Browse for Bid… Read more »

Positive Seniors’ University proposed to engage older adults living with HIV from across British Columbia. Positive Seniors’ University developed and strengthened the capacity of older adults (55 and over) living with HIV to reduce their isolation by expanding their social networks, and experiencing positive examples of living well with HIV. Read the report.

Final Engage Study Newsletter (Issue #5)

*** WE DID IT! *** Thank you for your help recruiting participants! This will be our last Engage newsletter. To see our study results once they are published please visit our website.  We have wrapped up recruitment for the Engage Study and would like to thank all of you for your help identifying participants. In total, we enrolled 90 individuals in the… Read more »

Northern Health’s IMAGINE Community Grants Now Available!

IMAGINE Community Grant funding now available to community groups, schools, and organizations! Do you have an idea for a project that promotes staying healthy? Northern Health is looking for community partners with ideas for projects that will improve the health of those living, working, learning, and playing in northern B.C. Community groups and partners can… Read more »

Release of 2013-2014 HIV and HCV G&Cs Performance Reports

The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to share with you the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada: Grant and Contributions Performance Measurement Report – 2013-2014 and the Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program: Grants and Contributions Performance Measurement Report – 2013-2014. These reports summarize performance measurement findings for 2013-2014, based on the… Read more »

Dec 31, 2015 by Jason Wong, Physician Epidemiologist, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC, and the Clinical Prevention Services Surveillance Team HIV In 2014, the rate of new HIV diagnoses in British Columbia was 5.6 (261 cases) per 100,000 population, a slight decrease from 5.8 (267 cases) in 2013. Demographic groups The highest rates of new HIV… Read more »