Category: Resources

Can We Eliminate HIV?

A Canada Communicable Disease Report from last month asked the heavy question, “Can we eliminate HIV?” The report included a number of resources that covered surveillance (disease information), testing and screening information, and editorial perspectives on the status of HIV progression and treatment in Canada.   Resources that PAN members might helpful include: HIV in… Read more »

Interior Health Peer Program Community Grants

Interior Health is pleased to announce that the Interior Health STOP HIV program is now accepting applications for the IH Peer Program Community Grants Program. This program is designed to fund projects and initiatives focused on supporting/hosting/implementing peer support programs or activities to reduce isolation and provide support to individuals who live with HIV and/or… Read more »

FNHA Indigenous Harm Reduction Grant

Via First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) In response to the opioid crisis organizations, schools and agencies that are engaged in direct health service delivery to BC First Nations and/or Aboriginal people may be eligible for funding to provide a community–driven harm reduction event or initiative. To be eligible, the event or initiative must be held between April 1st, 2018-… Read more »

Via PHAC    The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit applications to advance promising programs and initiatives to prevent gender-based violence (GBV)  in the form of teen/youth dating violence in Canada. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious public health issue with long-lasting health and social impacts. The gender of both… Read more »

Good Samaritan Act Wallet Cards and Info

On December 7, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network released 50,000 wallet-size cards about the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act to provide information and resources to folks living in Ontario. These cards are for people who use drugs, service providers and volunteer organizations serving people at risk of experiencing or witnessing an overdose emergency, and stakeholders… Read more »

  Submitted by: Harlan Pruden, Educator, Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC   What’s PrEP, who’s covered and how to access PrEP? Good News! PrEP/Truvada is a covered benefit and is available at no cost for BC’s First Nations and Inuit People. BC’s First Nations and Inuit People are the first to have access… Read more »

Civil Forfeiture Office (CFO) Grants

The Civil Forfeiture Office (CFO) in BC is enabled by Provincial legislation to seize both the proceeds and instruments of crime. One of the responsibilities of the CFO is to administer an annual grant program.  The Civil Forfeiture Crime Prevention and Remediation Grant program is now accepting applications. “Those working to stop violence against women, helping… Read more »

CAHR: Healthcare Professional Travel Awards Competition

From CAHR: With the generous support of ViiV Healthcare, CAHR is pleased to re-launch for 2018 the HCP Travel Awards Competition, which supports travel awards for Canadian health care professionals (HCPs) – working in the realm of HIV – to attend international continuing health education events. The first event supported will be CROI 2018! For… Read more »

These pieces come directly from the latest CAHR 2018 Conference Secretariat Enews. At their request, we’re passing the information on!        Have you submitted your abstract for the 27th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2018)? A reminder that the deadline to submit is December 15, 2017.   In other program news, CAHR is… Read more »

Island Health STOP HIV Community Grants Program

The Island Health STOP HIV/AIDS Program is excited to announce a call for proposals for our Community Grants Program. We will be awarding grants of up to $10,000 each (to a total of $50,000) to communities or groups who are interested in planning and delivering activities addressing HIV prevention, testing and engagement into care and… Read more »

Funding Available: Community Dialogues on Opioid Use

The BC Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General has provided a second phase of funding to the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) to support community dialogues in response to the opioid overdose crisis in British Columbia. Coalitions from First Nations and other communities in every region of the province… Read more »

The Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) is presenting the 27th annual conference on HIV and AIDS research in Vancouver from April 26-29, 2018. This conference is an interesting mix of basic and clinical science; epidemiology and public health; as well as social sciences. The call for abstracts has been released and deadline for abstract… Read more »