Category: Research

Vicki is a former staff member of PAN.   Vicki has been teaching sociology for many years at several BC universities and colleges, and the courses she loves most are the ones focused on social justice. She has worked on several research projects in the past, including a cross-Canada study on the situations of contingent… Read more »

In Canada and most other high-income countries today, standard treatment for people who have genotype 1 infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) includes combinations of medicines called direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). These are medicines that are taken orally, every day, usually for 12 to 24 consecutive weeks. In large clinical trials, treatment with modern DAAs—such as… Read more »

We will be wrapping up our two-year recruitment period at the end of December, 2015.  Please ask anyone you know who may be eligible to give us a call before then so that they can be included in this important research. So far, we’ve enrolled 86 individuals in the study and done qualitative interviews with 20 of those individuals…. Read more »

by MCM Murray, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Infectious Disease Specialist, BC Women’s and St. Paul’s Hospitals, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia. Background Since its introduction in 1996, combined anti-retroviral therapy (cART) has led to enormous improvements in the health and survival of HIV positive (HIV+) persons. However, the success of cART is intrinsic upon patient… Read more »

Pacific Hep C Network – Patient Input Surveys

The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) wants to hear from you! They are currently seeking patient input for grazoprevir / elbasvir and, therefore, the Pacific Hep C Network (PHCN) needs your thoughts, opinions, and experiences for our patient group input report. There are two PHCN Input Surveys Take this survey if… Read more »

Vancouver, BC [October 5, 2015] HIV testing in parts of Canada remains based on “perceived risk” and could be keeping people living with the disease from discovering their status. A new study, based on the largest Canadian database of people living with HIV, finds nearly half of those surveyed started antiretroviral treatment (ART) when they… Read more »

CATIE’s HepCinfo Update 6.20

New and Noteworthy High cure rates for people on opiate substitution therapy with Holkira Pak A small, mid-stage clinical trial of participants on opioid substitution therapy (OST) who took Holkira Pak and ribavirin for 12 weeks had a cure rate of 97% reported researchers in the Journal of Hepatology. OST is taken by people who… Read more »

Long-held assumptions about controversial issues such as drug use can lead to ineffective or even harmful policies and programming. The BC-CfE’s Urban Health Research Initiative (UHRI), under the leadership of co-directors Dr. Evan Wood and Dr. Thomas Kerr, offers an evidence-approach to challenging problems facing urban communities. UHRI’s studies focus on topics such as substance… Read more »

People who have been exposed to HIV may prevent this virus from being established by taking post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). This involves starting anti-HIV medicines within 72 hours of exposure and continuing to take these medicines every day for 28 consecutive days. Continually resorting to PEP is not the best way to prevent HIV, so doctors… Read more »

Chronic illness can have a huge impact on the economies of cities, regions and countries. Researchers in the U.S. have estimated that the lifetime cost of care for HIV can range from about $250,000 to $400,000 per person. One way to reduce healthcare costs is to invest in disease prevention programs delivered through community-based organizations…. Read more »

On behalf of McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre we invite you to complete a brief online questionnaire on HIV self-testing. This questionnaire evaluates the attitudes, knowledge, and perceptions regarding the introduction of HIV self-testing in key stakeholders across Canada. The data will be used to inform agencies involved in testing initiatives and… Read more »