Category: Research

CATIE HepCinfo Update 7.8

Holkira Pak is now indicated for people with HIV/Hep C co-infection or post liver transplant The Holkira Pak product monograph has been updated to include that people who are co-infected with HIV and Hep C or who have had a liver transplant can be treated with this drug combination. Holkira Pak is a combination of… Read more »

Survey 2016 — Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network relies on your feedback to measure our past successes and to help direct our future efforts. Please take a few moments to evaluate some aspects of our work over the past year or two, and share with us your ideas for a stronger Legal Network. Please respond no later… Read more »

The 2014/15 From Hope to Health progress report

The BC Ministry of Health is pleased to share with you the second progress report of From Hope to Health: Towards an AIDS Free Generation. This progress report covers the second fiscal year of provincial expansion (April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015). In addition, there is a supporting technical document that details the source data and… Read more »

The “Women And The Criminalization of HIV” (WATCH) study is now recruiting women living with HIV in the Lower Mainland for our first 4-day intensive Body Mapping workshop from June 19-23 2016. WATCH is a national, arts-based research study exploring women living with HIV’s understanding of the laws surrounding HIV non-disclosure and how criminalization impacts their relationships and… Read more »

In Canada and other high-income countries, thanks to potent combination anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART) more HIV-positive people are living longer. The power of ART is so profound that researchers estimate that a young adult who is infected today, diagnosed shortly thereafter and soon begins ART should have a near-normal lifespan. This optimistic forecast depends… Read more »

This report summarizes the results of a national survey of programs and services which address the needs of older people living with HIV in Canada. It is accompanied by a companion document which provides brief descriptions of each of the 21 unique HIV and aging-related programs and services identified by the scan. To access the… Read more »

BCCfE – Participate in the SHAPE Study

The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is excited to let you know about the SHAPE study that has been launched. SHAPE is led by Dr. Rolando Barrios, Assistant Director of the BC-CfE, as the Principal Investigator. This study will examine the impact of BC’s STOP HIV/AIDS Program by surveying HIV-positive individuals on their experiences… Read more »

Monday, March 7, 2016, 1 p.m. ET Register now The 5th Canadian Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus will take place on February 26, 2016 in Montreal. Join CATIE for a webinar presenting highlights of critical research presented at the symposium, synthesized and interpreted for community-based service providers. Covering science, epidemiology and public health, this webinar… Read more »

The Department of Criminology at Ryerson University, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and PASAN (Prisoners with HIV Support Action Network) have released a research report entitled ‘On Point: Recommendations for Prison-Based Needle and Syringe Programs in Canada’. This report is the culmination of a multi-phase, multi-year undertaking that involved broad consultation and primary research to create… Read more »

Jaydee is a former staff member of PAN. Jaydee joined the PAN team in the Spring of 2015, as Manager of the Positive Leadership Development Institute, and Manager of the People Living with HIV Stigma Index project.   What first piqued your interest in the HIV sector? I remember learning about HIV at the same time… Read more »