Category: PAN News and Events

AIDS 2018: Substance Use News

Last week we published a glance at the 22nd International AIDS Conference, AIDS 2018. This week I went looking for information on sessions, reports or information that could help people who use drugs, and the people who support them. Here is a sampling.   As background, people who use drugs were acknowledged back in the… Read more »

AIDS 2018: Summaries and Impressions

The 22nd International AIDS Conference took place July 23-27, 2018 in Amsterdam. Now that the conference is over and people are making their way back to their home countries, the second wave of information is swelling across the internet: summaries, reflections, and calls to action are being published. There are many worth reading; here are… Read more »

The Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) has offered leadership programming to people living with HIV in BC since 2009. We wanted to learn what is working for participants and where the program might be fine-tuned to improve the experience. To evaluate the program’s effect, we used a participatory evaluation process, where peers themselves plan, develop… Read more »

Webinar: Stigma Reduction Training Tools and Resources

Join us for a webinar on STBBI-related stigma reduction. The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is working in partnership with the Centre for Sexuality to develop knowledge translation and training resources that support frontline service professionals in the provision of safer, more inclusive and less stigmatizing sexual health, harm reduction and STBBI services. Webinar attendees… Read more »

Now Recruiting… PAN Board of Directors!

Pop quiz, for you or someone you know: Do you want to participate on a provincial level regarding HIV, hepatitis C and related issues? Are you looking for a big picture experience as opposed to hands-on opportunity? Do you want to support the frontlines, rather than (just) be on them? Do words like “policy change,… Read more »

This is the seventh in a series of monthly blog posts representing perspectives on potential governance changes at PAN. These posts represent voices across the network – staff, board members, people living with HIV, and community members – sharing their thoughts on these changes. This month we hear again from J. Evin Jones, PAN’s Executive… Read more »

We have written a blog post and hosted a webinar about shared measurement evaluation framework. In continuing to share our work in this area, we are pleased to share with you a project we undertook in northern British Columbia (BC). In 2016, Northern Health (NH) undertook a request for proposals to increase the geographic reach… Read more »

This spring saw the publication of the updated BC Crown Counsel Prosecution Guidelines including the Sex 2 policy, which indicates how people living with HIV may be charged in cases of non-disclosure of HIV. On May 31st, we posted a blog by PAN’s Executive Director, J. Evin Jones, BC’s New Prosecutorial Guidelines on HIV Non-Disclosure Murky… Read more »

PAN has recently released a new report, Evaluation Survey Report: PHAC’s HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (CAF) Processes and Impacts – reported by community-based organizations in BC. The following is from the Executive Summary, which outlines the history of Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) funding and the evaluation of the the new funding process. (Read… Read more »

Peer Compensation and Resources

Update: See our Peer Worker Support and Compensation page for additional resources, including PAN’s policy and procedures support people with lived experiences in employment and volunteer organizations. Peer compensation is a timely topic with more projects and organizations implementing “Nothing About Us, Without Us” principles in their work place. Peers have always been an amazing… Read more »

In April, the Pacific Hepatitis C Network (PHCN) released “Hep C Resources in BC: what we have – what’s missing – and next steps”. The report outlines the results of their needs assessment, which focused on information and advocacy needs surrounding hepatitis C in the province of BC. This needs assessment was completed as work… Read more »