Category: PAN News and Events

The JIHR Needs You for Peer Review!

The Journal of Indigenous HIV Research (JIHR) needs your help! The JIHR has received an unprecedented number of submissions this year and is still looking for academic-based colleagues to support peer review of submissions. Please check out the flyer below for more information. If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact… Read more »

Data matters. In light of the reports of inequitable data collection related to COVID-19 and the advocacy efforts to record data disaggregated by race, we need to think about what such data can tell us and why it is important. First, the requirements for equitable data collection are complex. Data collection is just one area… Read more »

Substance Use News: June 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working to support folks who use substances. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. With the added layer of the coronoavirus/COVID-19 public health constraints, those working in harm reduction have heightened… Read more »

Job posting: Making it Work Peer Research Associate

        Making It Work: Supporting Indigenous, Community Approaches to Integrated Service Models for People Living with HIV, Hepatitis C, and/or Challenges with Mental Health, or Substance Use.     The Making it Work Community-Based Research project is looking for community members from Vancouver, Victoria and Smithers to join the research team as… Read more »

Doing Community-Based Research in the Context of COVID-19

The world of community-based research has shifted considerably in the context of COVID-19. We have had to learn to adapt, change course, and reimagine many different projects and programs- and now have the opportunity to share some of the things we have learned and lessons along the way. I asked several people involved in community-based… Read more »

  Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, PAN has been convening standing meetings with Executive Directors and program leads of our member and allied organizations – and at that table we repeatedly heard about the challenges in accessing safer supply across BC. Last week PAN sent a letter to Minister Dix (Minister of Health) and Minister… Read more »

We are living through important times- times that are shining the light on systemic racism impacting many people’s lives and times where we can no longer ignore anti-Black racism in our communities. PAN has been doing a lot of reflecting on its role in amplifying and supporting the voices of our colleagues of colour. And… Read more »

What’s in Your Evaluation Toolbox 2.0?

“What’s in Your Evaluation Toolbox 2.0?”  – such was the theme of the recently held Canadian Evaluation Conference held in Vancouver earlier this year. This theme, posed as a question, challenged the presenters and the participants to share the evaluation tools they rely on in advancing the field of evaluation. This theme also recognized that… Read more »

Two-Eyed Seeing and Realist Evaluation

Making it Work (MIW) is a Community-Based Research (CBR) project that is looking at integrated services for people living with HIV, hepatitis C, and/or challenges with mental health and substance use, with a particular focus on Indigenous service delivery models and cultural safety. The project uses a Two-Eyed Seeing approach and Realist Evaluation to help… Read more »

  The horrific murder of George Floyd and countless others, including Tony McDade and Regis Korchinski-Paquet – and the explosion of protests and actions towards social justice in its wake – have led us at PAN to think more deeply about policing practices and their impacts. We, like many, have witnessed the impacts of policing… Read more »

We heard from community that there was a need for accessible, clear information about HIV to support front-line staff working in housing. So, adapting content originally published by CATIE, we have created a new module for the HIV Housing Toolkit to do just this! This new module “HIV Information for Housing Staff” is the ninth… Read more »

CBRC Webinar on New Testing Tech

Date: Thursday June 25, 2020 Time: 9:30 AM Presenters: Chris Draenos, Darren Ho, Community Based Research Centre After years of advocacy, Health Canada is expected to approve the first HIV self-test in the country over the coming weeks. As testing is the critical first step in HIV prevention, treatment, and care cascade, HIV self-testing will… Read more »