Webinars: Live and On-Demand

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The KnowledgeConnect series helps build capacity, health literacy, and community connections. Sessions may offer insight into new and innovative approaches to work, new research that will contribute to shared community knowledge, advocacy issues, new community resources, or the social determinants of health that affect HIV and hepatitis C. The PAN Presents series connects PAN member organizations with provincial Health Authority representatives, provincial and federal funding organizations, and representatives from governmental ministries. You can learn the latest information from these voices, and bring your questions to the table in these exchanges.


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Advocacy, Policy, Public Health
Health Determinants
Professional Development
Research and Evaluation

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We greatly appreciate the vision of our government funders and their ongoing commitment to supporting the work of the Pacific AIDS Network. In particular we gratefully acknowledge the Public Health Agency of Canada – HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Upcoming Webinars

Join Health Initiative for Men (HIM) , PAN and Ribbon Community for an overview of recent changes to the HIV medication landscape in Canada. This webinar will empower frontline staff, educators, and community members with new information on long-acting HIV treatment and prevention options and highlight current realities for accessing long-acting medications for priority populations… Read more »

Building Blocks for Hepatitis and Sexual Health Literacy

Attention educators and frontline service providers! We are pleased to be presenting a webinar with Cherlyn Manderson Cortes in recognition of World Hepatitis Day. Cherlyn is a Clinical Nurse Educator at the BC Centre for Disease Control. Cherlyn will highlight inter-relationships of STIBBIs including hepatitis, and share education approaches that build hepatitis and sexual health… Read more »

Past Webinars

The Hepatitis C Leadership Project

The Hepatitis C Leadership Project is about modelling and developing the leadership skills and knowledge of people with lived experience of hepatitis C in BC. This webinar provided an opportunity to hear from some members of the project’s advisory committee that is predominantly led by peers. They shared concepts & principles guiding the project, needs… Read more »

Hep C in Focus

Hep C in Focus was a special virtual event on July 16, 2020. It featured the presentations available on-demand below, as well as community networking in breaks. This collaboration of women with lived experience of hepatitis C, researchers, and the attendees who shared their day with us was a great experience. We look forward to bringing… Read more »

Fighting stigma and offering support for people who use meth

Crystal meth is a commonly used drug in BC, so HIV, hep C and harm reduction organizations and advocates may well work with people using meth. What do we need to know about crystal meth’s affects on health and spirit to best support people using it? This webinar looked at the use patterns for meth… Read more »

PAN Presents… Q&A session about Safe Supply with Guy Felicella

  BC has released new guidance on providing safe supply to people who use drugs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We have heard from PAN member and allied organizations about uncertainty on how these changes will be implemented, and how people can access safe supply across the province. To help answer these questions from community-based organizations… Read more »

Journal of Indigenous HIV Research Call for Submissions

    This webinar provided information about the history of the Journal of Indigenous HIV Research (JIHR) and its future, as the current call for submissions is for a Special Issue: Navigating Allyship: What does it mean to work together in service to the community? The JIHR is a peer-reviewed journal, produced by the Aboriginal… Read more »

Research update from the BC-HTC and Community implications

PAN hosted webinar “Research update from the BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort & highlights from the 2020 CanHepC Symposium & Canadian Liver Meeting: Implications for community & frontline providers” Each presenter summarized the findings from their research that they presented at the 2020 CanHepC Symposium and Canadian Liver Meeting, as well as summaries of findings from… Read more »

Outside In: An Initiative to Reach gbMSM at All Levels of ‘Outness’

This webinar shared information from the formative research informing the Outside In intervention at Health Initiative for Men (HIM) regarding the health and well-being of less-out GBT2Q. Our literature review and consultations with community members showed that compared to their more-out counterparts, less-out community members access HIV/STBBI testing services less frequently, are less familiar with… Read more »

CBRC Sex Now Survey

This webinar focused on CBRC’s Sex Now survey, Canada’s largest and longest-running survey of gay, bi, and queer men’s health (inclusive of trans and Two-Spirit people). Presenter Ben Klassen provided an overview of the survey’s history, questionnaire design and consultation process, and recruitment methods, using the in-person Sex Now 2018 survey (conducted at 15 LGBTQ2+… Read more »

The Ins and Outs of Getting on Hepatitis C Treatment

 Hep C treatment is now short term, highly effective, and has minimal side effects for most people. What do you need to know for yourself or the people you support about getting treatment?  Pacific Hepatitis C Network team members Deb Schmitz and Daryl Luster  explain the road to treatment here in BC. They also… Read more »

Harm Reduction and Healing in Indigenous Communities

This dialogue-based webinar featured Andrea Medley in conversation with Janet Madsen of PAN. Andrea is one of the Indigenous Wellness Educators with the First Nations Health Authority’s Indigenous Wellness team. When Andrea and her teammates are invited into BC First Nations communities, they’ve found that harm reduction can mean many different things. Hear about different… Read more »

PAN Presents: Northern Health Updates

Slides PAN hosted by Ashley Stoppler and other staff from Northern Health to talk on topics of most interest to our members – as chosen by you. Suggested audience: HIV and hepatitis C organization staff and volunteers, including harm reduction workers Community members and other allies People interested in the epidemiology of infectious disease in… Read more »

Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility: CBRC Summit Round-Up

Interview ends at 35:50, followed by Q/A period. This webinar recapped highlights of last year’s Summit, a conference for Queer Men’s health hosted by Community Based Research Centre. In its 15th iteration in 2019, the theme was ‘Queering Healthcare Access and Accessibility’ which meant that the Summit was dedicated to talking about what is and… Read more »