Category: Archive/ Uncategorized

Groundswell – YouthCO’s World AIDS Day Event

  YouthCO invites you to Groundswell –  a night of youth made art, including an interactive performance by our Theatre Troupe in honour of World AIDS Day.  Join us as we use art and theatre to explore how HIV and the issues that surround it affect our lives.  This event is open to anyone.  Admission… Read more »

Red Ribbon Gala – AIDS Vancouver

  Come one! Come all! You are cordially invited to AIDS Vancouver’s final We Care Red Ribbon event on Tuesday, November 30th- the eve of World AIDS Day! Your ticket includes a delightful mix of appetizers, local Granville Island beer and fantastic BC wine! It will be a great way to spend some time with… Read more »

AIDS Vancouver – We Care Red Ribbon Campaign

Dear Community Partners, AIDS Vancouver launched their We Care Red Ribbon Campaign at Vancouver City Hall last Monday with Mayor Gregor Robertson and representatives from AIDS Vancouver in attendance to declare November as Red Ribbon Month in Vancouver. November 1 to December 1, 2010 AIDS Vancouver will promote a month long public awareness campaign called… Read more »


The latest STOP HIV/AIDS project update is now available, No. 2, Fall 2010.  To download a PDF copy of the update please CLICK HERE.  

Call for membership applications MINISTERIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE FEDERAL INITIATIVE TO ADDRESS HIV/AIDS IN CANADA The Ministerial Advisory Council on the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada is a group with broad individual and collective expertise in HIV/AIDS appointed by the Federal Minister of Health. Ministerial Advisory Council’s mandate is to provide evidence-based… Read more »

BC Government News Release B.C. PLAN FOCUSES ON HEALTHY MINDS, HEALTHY PEOPLE November 1, 2010 VANCOUVER – The Province today released a 10-year plan to address mental health and substance use with a focus on prevention of problems, early intervention, treatment and sustainability. “The 10-year plan is a road map to further build on our… Read more »

Kevin Brown Dr. Peter Jepson-Young John Turvey Julio Montaner Glen Hillson Michael Linhart Zackie Achmat Pei Lim Irene Goldstone Deborah Money Paula Braitstein Lucy Barney Emma Palmentier Louise Binder Diana Johanssen Some of these individuals we’ve lost to HIV.  Some of them are still very much alive and kicking.  They’ve often been targets for criticism… Read more »

   The BC Persons With AIDS Society has recently sent a letter to Ministers Falcon and Chong and BCCDC Director of STI/HIV Prevention and Control Dr. Michael Rekart and Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Dr. Julio Montaner, in regards to STOP HIV/AIDS in the age of eHealth and enhanced reportability. To… Read more »

CATIE/PAN Pacific Educational Conference a great success!

It was a whirlwind week at PAN.  The week began on Tuesday with the PHA Forum, ED Summit and Annual General Meeting.  A number of new Board directors were elected to the PAN Board and we will be posting that information soon. Wednesday and Thursday were filled with excellent back to back presentations.  PowerPoints and… Read more »