Call for membership applications
The Ministerial Advisory Council on the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada is a group with broad individual and collective expertise in HIV/AIDS appointed by the Federal Minister of Health. Ministerial Advisory Council’s mandate is to provide evidence-based strategic policy advice to the Minister of Health on pan-Canadian aspects of HIV/AIDS consistent with the Council’s Terms of Reference.
The Public Health Agency of Canada, on behalf of the Minister of Health, is seeking applications to renew the membership of the Ministerial Advisory Council on the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (Council).
The goal of this selection process is to ensure that Council’s membership reflects a range of expertise capable of addressing the essential aspects of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
If you have applied previously and wish to be considered again, you must re-apply in order to be considered. All decisions on appointments to the Ministerial Advisory Council on the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada are made by the Minister of Health.
Applicants will be considered based on their experience, knowledge and expertise in any of the following areas relative to HIV/AIDS:
Aboriginal issues
Medical and psycho-social fields
Bio-medical research
National response to HIV/AIDS
Clinical HIV trials
Persons living with HIV/AIDS
Frontline response
Population Health
Ethno-cultural groups
Prisons and incarcerated individuals
Families and Children
Private sector activities
Public policy
Street-involved people
Gay men
Treatment issues
Health policy
Injection drug use
International issues
Law/ethics/human rights
Social determinants of health
Sex trade workers
The preceding list is not intended to be exhaustive of all possible HIV/AIDS-related categories. Additional areas of HIV/AIDS expertise and experience that cut across a number of areas should be highlighted in the submitted application.
In assessing applicants for appointment, a minimum of five seats will be assigned to self-declared persons living with HIV/AIDS. In addition, consideration will be given to ethno-cultural diversity, gender and regional balance.
Council members will be expected to:
· Provide evidence-based strategic policy advice to the Minister of Health on pan-Canadian aspects of HIV/AIDS;
· Attend and participate fully in Ministerial Advisory Council face-to-face meetings (three per year);
· Attend and participate fully in Ministerial Advisory Council teleconferences;
· Participate on at least one of Ministerial Advisory Council’s sub-committees;
· Engage strategic policy thinking regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada;
· Rise above the corporate interest of any organization with which the member may be affiliated and contribute to a pan-Canadian vision and approach to the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada;
· Be willing and able to communicate ideas and issues in a group setting.
All costs associated with travel, meals, hospitality and teleconferences will be covered by the Public Health Agency of Canada in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Guidelines.
Membership applications must be received by the Public Health Agency of Canada by the following deadline: 4:00 pm Est, December 13, 2010
Membership applications must include the following:
1. A one page letter from the applicant that explains why he/she would be an ideal candidate to serve on the Ministerial Advisory Council;
2. A one page letter of support from an individual or organization that is recommending the applicant; and
3. The applicant’s current curriculum vitae or resume.
Membership applications should be submitted by regular mail or electronically to the following address:
David Kerr, Program Consultant
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
Public Health Agency of Canada
100 Eglantine Driveway
Tunney’s Pasture
Address Locator: 0601A
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9
The Public Health Agency of Canada will strictly adhere to the deadline of:
4:00 PM EST on December 13, 2010.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact David Kerr at (613) 952-3426 or at [email protected]
Please feel free to share this document with interested individuals, groups and organizations.