Category: Research

UPDATE, September 26, 2018 Due to scheduling issues beyond our control, we will be recording this webinar for on-demand viewing. Watch the PAN Weekly News for its release.   Not subscribed to PAN Weekly News? Subscribe on our home page. PAN’s Positive Living Positive Homes (PLPH) research study is giving us much to think about… Read more »

Part 1* I had the privilege of attending and presenting at the 9th North American Housing and HIV Research Summit in Washington, DC, on August 1st and 2nd. Launched in 2005, the Summit is a collaboration between the U.S. National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC), the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Ontario… Read more »

Exciting news from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (excerpt):  The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) announced Dr. Zabrina Brumme has been appointed Director of Canada’s leading HIV laboratory program. Dr. Brumme will be on secondment from her position as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University… Read more »

AIDS 2018: Substance Use News

Last week we published a glance at the 22nd International AIDS Conference, AIDS 2018. This week I went looking for information on sessions, reports or information that could help people who use drugs, and the people who support them. Here is a sampling.   As background, people who use drugs were acknowledged back in the… Read more »

AIDS 2018: Summaries and Impressions

The 22nd International AIDS Conference took place July 23-27, 2018 in Amsterdam. Now that the conference is over and people are making their way back to their home countries, the second wave of information is swelling across the internet: summaries, reflections, and calls to action are being published. There are many worth reading; here are… Read more »

CHIWOS Update July 2018

This update comes via Rebecca Gormley, the BC Provinical Coordinator of CHIWOS I’m pleased to share the CHIWOS July Newsletter. CHIWOS is nearing the end of Wave 3, our 36-month follow up surveys, we are excited to share some team highlights over the past 18 months and what you can expect to see over the next coming year. To… Read more »

From the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network “Today, at the 22nd International AIDS Conference underway in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20 eminent world scientists — including two leading Canadian researchers — released a groundbreaking Expert Consensus Statement providing their conclusive opinion on the low-to-no possibility of a person living with HIV transmitting the virus in various situations, including via sexual… Read more »

The ‘TASA’ Cheque Day Study Summer 2018 Update

Update from the TASA Study team TASA is a study called “The Impact of Alternative Social Assistance Disbursement on Drug-Related Harm – a Randomised Control Trial.” The Cheque Day Study is looking at whether changing payment timing and frequency would decrease drug-use and related harm. After almost three years, the Cheque Day Study has finished… Read more »

CATIE Survey of People Working in HIV or Hepatitis C

Please complete  CATIE’s survey of people working in HIV or hepatitis C and share among your colleagues who may be familiar with CATIE. This survey will help CATIE to improve the resources and services we offer as Canada’s knowledge broker for HIV and hepatitis C. CATIE is Canada’s source for up-to-date, unbiased information about HIV and… Read more »

Per-SVR research study aims to help curb hep C reinfection The new wave is here. Now that effective hepatitis C treatments are available, there is a global movement to end hepatitis C with surging political will. It is a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to save 10 million lives by 2030 through effective hepatitis C treatment…. Read more »

Key Health Inequalities in Canada: A National Portrait

“Canadians are among the healthiest people in the world. However, the benefits of good health are not equally enjoyed by all.” A new report, Key Health Inequalities in Canada: A National Portrait, from the Public Health Agency of Canada presents results at the national level for 22 indicators of health status and determinants of health, selected to… Read more »