Category: Peer Leadership

The Positive Living Society of BC’s Peer Navigators, in conjunction with the member/participant, develop strategies to maintain or improve health and wellness needs and implement self-management skill-sets. Working collaboratively with other health care and wellness providers, the Peer Navigators provide direct health system navigation, health advocacy, education and linkage to relevant specialized health, social and… Read more »

Canadian Declaration by Persons living with HIV

Statement from the People living with HIV and communities affected by HIV in support of The Vancouver Consensus (2015) About the Vancouver Consensus (2015) The Vancouver Consensus (2015) is an urgent call to world leaders, donors, governments, clinicians and civil society to ensure that all people living with HIV have access to antiretroviral (ARV) treatment… Read more »

Positive Living Society of BC – AGM, August 20, 2015

The Positive Living Society of BC’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, August 20, 2015, at the Chateau Granville Hotel, 1100 Granville Street, Vancouver.  The AGM is being held in conjunction with a Community Forum presented by Jonathan Postnikoff entitled, “Finding the Cure – How Close Are We?”. Registration beings at 5:30 pm… Read more »

HIV Then and Now – We’ve come a long way

Interior Health has launched a new campaign to show how advances in HIV treatment and care have improved the lives of those living with the disease. The campaign aims to break down stereotypes that prevent people from being tested and accessing life-saving treatment. The “HIV Then & Now” campaign builds on the momentum of Interior… Read more »

New resource on crystal meth and harm reduction

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) recently completed a Rapid Response on crystal meth, sexual risk behaviours and harm reduction among men who have sex with men. The response explores the links between meth use and HIV acquisition, outlines strategies around harm reduction and provides a list of items that could be included in a… Read more »

November 5 and 6, 2015 SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street The theme of this year’s Gay Men’s Health Summit is “Undoing Stigma”; focusing on the impact of stigma on the health and well-being of gay men.  Submissions are welcomed related to gay men’s health, and in particular submissions related to this year’s Summit… Read more »

A large, well-designed clinical trial called START has confirmed that by initiating anti-HIV therapy early—when their CD4+ cell counts are still relatively high—HIV-positive people can significantly reduce their risk of developing AIDS, other serious illnesses unrelated to AIDS or dying. According to the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the results from… Read more »