Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

Update on The Push to End Unjust HIV Prosecutions in BC

Since the then federal Minister of Justice’s Jody Wilson-Raybould’s World AIDS Day announcement, advocacy has continued apace with BC’s Attorney General David Eby – with strong efforts by Positive Living BC, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation and PAN, to name but a few. There was definitely much to be encouraged by… Read more »

by Emily Sollows, Nurse Educator, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC Harm Reduction Services at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is in search of transgender, Two-Spirit, and/or gender diverse folks to participate in a series of two 2-hour focus groups to inform changes to our service delivery. Our goal is to create relevant resources based… Read more »

Substance Use News January: Directions for 2019

BC remains at the forefront of the Canada’s opioid crisis. What directions might the response take in 2019? Here are some recent pieces marking developments in approaches and continued harm reduction. Public Health and Advocacy City of Vancouver Opioid Emergency Task Force The City of Vancouver launched an Opioid Emergency Task Force in mid-November 2018,… Read more »

HIV PrEP Testing Reminders Now Available by Email and Text

“I want to be reminded about PrEP follow-up” is the newest addition to a series of STI testing and vaccination reminders available on The BC Centre for Disease Control’s  provincial sexual health website, SmartSexResource where clients can sign-up to receive PrEP testing reminders by email or text. With this testing reminder, clients continuing on PrEP… Read more »

PRICK! STI Testing Events January-March

Trouble finding a place to get tested for a possible sexually transmitted infections? Not feeling comfortable talking to your doctor about your sex life? Have some questions that you would like answered by a professional? PRICK! offers private and confidential full STI testing events in the Interior Health area for all ‘guys who like guys.’ If PRICK!… Read more »

HIV in Canada 2017 Surveillance Report

From the Public Health Agency of Canada Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an important contributor to the global burden of disease and continues to be a major public health issue. In 2010, HIV was the leading cause of disability-adjusted life-years worldwide for people in the 30–44 year age group, and the fifth leading cause for… Read more »

  The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is pleased to share with you Overdue for a Change: Scaling Up Supervised Consumption Services in Canada. Our summary brief describes the key findings and recommendations of a research project that was undertaken in 2018 to explore the current state of supervised consumption services (SCS) in Canada, to monitor… Read more »

Webinar: Big River First Nation- Know Your Status Program

PHAC Webinar Series Date: December 6, 2018 Time: 10 AM Pacific time   This presentation will provide an update on the unique situation experienced in Saskatchewan, Canada with sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections and share best practices in responding to HIV, hepatitis C, and STI. The presentation will also provide an introduction to the Big… Read more »

The Push to End Unjust HIV Prosecutions in BC

This past December 1, the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day, federal Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould and the Department of Justice announced  a new directive regarding prosecution of HIV non-disclosure cases– one that “… will reflect the most recent scientific evidence related to the risks of sexual transmission of HIV, as reviewed by the Public… Read more »

  Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Fall Conference, PLHIV Forum and AGM, which was held on the traditional territories of the Syilx (Okanagan) people October 30-31st.   We were gifted with a welcome from Elder Wilfred “Grouse” Barnes and drummer Margaret Manuel who opened the event and set the tone for… Read more »