Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

from the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network The following statement is issued by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. Comments can be attributed to Sandra Ka Hon Chu, Director of Research and Advocacy. Please visit the Legal Network site for media contacts and further information.  May 1, 2020 — In a disappointing decision, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice… Read more »

Statement on COVID-19 and Criminalization from CCRHC

from the Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization Faced with an unprecedented public health crisis, all levels of government in Canada have actively adopted measures and policies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization (CCRHC), a national coalition of people living with HIV, community organizations, lawyers, researchers and others,… Read more »

At PAN, our Approaches include social change and equity.  An essential piece of supporting the “dignity, health and wellness of all people” is recognizing the interdependence of all species, and the urgent need to take active steps to prevent the destruction of the ecology and environment on which we all rely. Late in 2019, PAN… Read more »

PAN Solidarity Groups: Belonging. Solidarity. Connection.

PAN will be hosting a series of online workshop sessions, for frontline service providers of PAN member organizations, with Clinical Supervisor/Instructor/Consultant Vikki Reynolds ( – PAN Solidarity Group: Belonging. Solidarity. Connection. These online sessions will explore the importance of belonging, solidarity and connection in these challenging and uncertain times.  Vikki works to bridge the worlds… Read more »

Temporary Emergency Child Care for Essential Workers

Via the Overdose Emergency Response Centre of the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions To support parents who are essential service workers during the response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Province is launching a new process. This process will match parents, who are working on the front lines of B.C.’s COVID-19 response and have children… Read more »

The BC and Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors is working to ensure the “equitable application of public health protections to vulnerable British Columbians” during the dual public health emergencies of drug overdose deaths (declared April 14, 2016) and COVID-19 (declared March 17, 2020). An open letter has been sent to Honourable John Horgan, Premier;… Read more »

Call for Immediate Action to use Emergency Powers to House all Unhoused BC Residents Pivot Legal Society has released this letter in coalition with several organizations (BC Association of Friendship Centre Societies, CCAP, BC Poverty Reduction Coalition). The letter requests immediate action to address the threat of COVID-19 for people who are unhoused and inadequately… Read more »

Substance Use News March 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working to support folks who use substances. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. See our Drug Use and Overdose Response page for resources on overdose services, team resilience, governmental reports, policy recommendations,… Read more »

Updated Hepatitis C testing Information from BC CDC

Updated April 14, 2020 Following this posting on April 3, PAN received additional information from the BC CDC on hepatitis C testing in the light of COVID-19. BC CDC has released the following memo, Temporary suspension of non-urgent Hepatitis C (HCV) testing. Most recent information appears in memo and below: All non-urgent hepatitis C testing… Read more »

Webinars with the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness is offering two COVID-19 response webinars: COVID-19 Response for Unsheltered Homeless People Date: April 1, 2020 Time: 11 AM Pacific time In this webinar, Iain De Jong of OrgCode Inc will offer strategies, tools and advice for providing outreach and support to unsheltered homeless people during the COVID-19 pandemic…. Read more »

Date: April 2, 2020 Time: 10 AM Pacific The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health emergency. In Canada, the HIV sector is concerned with how COVID-19 will affect people living with HIV and affected communities. We are also concerned about how to effectively sustain a response to HIV during a period of… Read more »

Webinar: COVID-19, the BC-CfE Response

From the BC CfE website: Learning Series Event Audience: General Public Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:30 PM Location: Register online: Objectives: An update on BC-CfE’s position regarding the COVID-19 pandemic An overview of the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical presentations and prevention Information on what the BC-CfE is doing to facilitate access to ART… Read more »