Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

BC’s Overdose Overview: January 3 – 9, 2021

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using… Read more »

New role in NDP cabinet to support the non-profit sector

  In an earlier blog post, we highlighted three influential umbrella groups supporting non-profits and charities in BC. One of these, Vantage Point (VP) exists to support those in leadership roles, but recently has also been involved in advocacy and, in May, co-created the No Immunity report emphasizing the challenges of COVID-19 to the sector, including… Read more »

Many reading this will know Vikki Reynolds, who works within many communities. Vikki worked with us last year in the initial response to the changes COVID was imposing on our work, building Solidarity Groups, to support frontline workers and Executive Directors in their roles. Vikki has shared a new resource co-created with Riel Dupuis-Rossi &… Read more »

Webinar: Build Your Trans-Friendly Services

Date: Thursday February 25, 2021 Time: 10 AM Pacific time Working within HIV, hep C and harm reduction, you are likely used to working with folks of varied sexual identities, but might not be as experienced working with people along the gender continuum. We’re partnering with Gwen Haworth to introduce you to Trans Care BC. … Read more »

Updated with resources February 4, 2021 Recording Date: Thursday, January 21 2020 Time: 10 AM Pacific time Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a continuing international epidemic and an important public health issue in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada works in partnership with other organizations to conduct surveillance on newly diagnosed cases of HIV… Read more »

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using… Read more »

A webinar hosted by the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) and the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID). Date: Tuesday January 12, 2021 Time: 10 – 11:30 AM Pacific time Presenter: Dr. Sarah Minwanimad Funnell Webinar Registration Link Please note webinar registration is limited to 500 participants. This webinar will be recorded;… Read more »

BC’s Overdose Overview: December 13-26, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using… Read more »

Substance Use News: December 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working in harm reduction. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. With the added layer of the coronoavirus/COVID-19 public health constraints, those working in harm reduction have heightened concerns about how… Read more »

BC’s Overdose Overview: December 6 – 12, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using… Read more »

BC’s Overdose Overview: November 29 – December 5, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using… Read more »