Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections: Indicator framework


Need a national overview of STBBI stats for a report, funding proposal, or presentation? The Government of Canada hosts a site with STBBI indicators based on the latest data available grouped in 4 categories:

  1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  2. Bacterial sexually transmitted infections
  3. Hepatitis C virus
  4. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus


To see the 2023 quick stats for these STBBIs, click your category of interest. In the example image pasted below, HIV is the cateogry.

Once you choose a category, it will reveal the indicators, sources, latest data, and a link to a description. If you click the description, a table will show background information, context, how the indicator was calculated and other information.

Here’s a sample of what the the information screen will look like if you choose HIV (screenshot taken January 26, 2024)


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