Register for the HIV in Motion Community of Practice

We invite you to participate in the HIV in Motion Community of Practice (CoP) on Tuesday May 4, 2021 from 9 AM to 11 AM Pacific time. The topic for this session is “May the Fourth Be with You – HIV, Physical Activity and Chronic Pain” If you would like to attend this third HIV in Motion Community of Practice, please register at this link: 

Attached is an information graphic you can circulate about our upcoming May 4, 2021 HIV in Motion Community of Practice And an info graph on our HIV in Motion Research project as a whole, should you be interested in learning more.

We are hosting the HIV in Motion CoP Online Sessions up to four times a year. If you missed any of our past CoP sessions, you can listen to the Podcasts by clicking on ‘Event Recordings 2020-2021’ on our main site: .

The HIV in Motion CoP is open to people living with HIV, academics, students, researchers, and practitioners, both clinical and organizations interested in physical activity and exercise. You can join to listen in, to share your work and views, and to support others. You can visit the HIV in Motion Community of Practice site at: You can also visit our “Great Greeting Wall” to promote anyone dedicated to Physical Exercise while living with HIV and attending our Community of Practice at: .

I am the HIV in Motion Community of Practice (CoP) Engagement Coordinator and if you decide to take part, I’ll be your point of contact for the HIV in Motion CoP, and you will receive future correspondence regarding the CoP from me. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions at [email protected].

Please feel free to circulate this info or registration link along with the Information Graphic to anyone you think may be interested in joining us!

George Da Silva
Engagement Coordinator, HIV in Motion
Looking forward to having you all join us on Tuesday May 4, 2021!