Workplace Resources for Employers and Workers in consideration of COVID-19

With people returning to workplaces in BC’s Restart Plan, employers and workers alike may be wondering what this means going forward. Below you’ll find a few things to consider for the weeks and months ahead.*  We suggest PAN members consult the Restart Plan, the BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19 resources, and Work Safe BC COVID-19 information for specifics.


Preventing exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace: A guide for employers, from Work Safe BC

Orders from the provincial health officer (PHO) and guidance to employers and businesses provided by the BC Centre of Disease Control represent the minimum standard that employers must meet, to comply with obligations to ensure worker health and safety. This guide for employers provides questions you should ask to address health and safety concerns in the workplace raised by COVID-19.


What employers should do

If you are an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. This information from Work Safe BC provides health and safety information specific to COVID-19.


COVID-19 Quick-Reference Considerations for Employers

This guide discusses the employer’s obligation to create and maintain a safe work environment, how to manage legal risks, and provides links to resources for employees and employers.


What workers should do

Workers should know and understand their workplace health and safety responsibilities — and those of others. If you’re a worker, you also have three key rights: the right to know about hazards in the workplace; the right to participate in health and safety activities in the workplace; and the right to refuse unsafe work. From  Work Safe BC


Exposures and return to work for health care workers
Criteria to assess risk for health care workers exposed to COVID-19 patients while at work as well as information about returning to work after exposure or illness. From the BC CDC.



For additional COVID-19 resources specific to the work in PAN communities, including harm reduction, HIV, hep C, harm reduction, housing, economic resources for non-profits, and more, visit our COVID-19 resources page.


*Please note that this is general information only and should not be taken or relied upon as legal advice. If you have questions about a specific situation, consult a lawyer.







Questions? Feedback? Get in touch! Janet Madsen, Capacity Building  and Knowledge Translation Coordinator, [email protected]