Update: Petition to the House of Commons to Address the Opioid Crisis

In April we shared information about a petition submitted to the House of Commons asking for community support. We received this info on its progress from one of the organizers.


The petition campaign is just past the halfway mark and the online petition now has over 1900 signatures  The majority response is from BC, then Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, respectively. From what I read, this is congruent with the impact of the crisis to date. There are also numerous paper petitions circulating across the country. I have already sent in several paper petitions totalling 150 signatures and have 250 more signatures to send this coming week. The paper petitions are significant in that for every 25 signatures certified, Gord Johns MP, can table it in the House of Commons. Therefore, as the paper petitions are received, reviewed and certified, he can speak to it repeatedly. We are anxiously awaiting his first opportunity to rise, hopefully before the summer break.

We have an upcoming signature drive on June 23rd, 2018. This is in conjunction with the Moms Stop the Harm Rally to #DecriminalizeNow in Victoria. We are actively gathering volunteers for both a Victoria and a Courtenay volunteer team. If you live nearby to either of these locations and have an hour or two to spare on that day please join our team. If not, perhaps you would consider a twin effort in your town or city? It’s really quite easy, all you need is a petition, a pen and a busy street corner. Let me know if you join in and we will make sure to share the scope of this initiative with the media. Also, I can mail flyers (see attached) for your public outreach.

The online petition closes on July 25th, 2018 and is required to have 500 signatures in order to be certified. The minimum on a paper petition to be certified is 25 signatures. We have greatly surpassed the minimums, however are still short of our goal of 7,000. This number was chosen for its significance of representing every person that died of overdose and fentanyl-poisoning in 2016 and 2017. Thus far, we have contacted over 100 organizations across the country and had conversations with several reporters. We have been covered in our local media and are awaiting and seeking coverage by national media. I anticipate the Rally will generate some media attention. I have recently taken the petition to my nursing union regional meeting and have asked that it be endorsed by our provincial council.

Shanyn Simcoe



Take action

Sign the online petition by July 25th

Download the paper petition

Download the flyer

Read the press release