Men-who-have-sex-with-men Internet Survey 2017

Because we know you are committed to having the best sex with the least risks, we want to introduce you to an online questionnaire about sex, health and relationships. This is a repeat of the EMIS survey that happened across Europe in 2010. EMIS-2010 recruited more than 180,000 men and is still the biggest survey of gay men and bisexual men ever undertaken anywhere in the world! It is anonymous, safe, and relatively short (it takes about 15-25 minutes to complete).

The survey is being carried out by researchers and non-governmental organisations across Europe and some non-European countries, including Canada, in collaboration with LGBT organisations in 50 countries. The survey is funded by the European Commission. In Canada, promotion of the survey is being funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, in consultation with community-involved Canadian researchers.

Taking part might mean you find out something new and the information you provide will help programmes better meet our needs. A high response rate will also help us send a signal that HIV and sexual health are still very important.

PAN is happy to endorse this survey – we believe it will help gay and bisexual men across Canada to improve our sex lives and reduce the harm that can come from them, including reducing new HIV infections.

We would very much appreciate you taking part. Go to the survey now

We have no influence on the results of this survey – but you do by taking part. As soon as the results are available, we will let you know.