PHCN: Asunaprevir and Daclatasvir Survey Work Ahead

Take this survey if you are living with hep C or if you have had hep C.

Take this survey if you are a loved one or caregiver of someone who is living with hep C or has had hep C.



Survey participants with hep C or living with/caring for someone with hep C needed immediately! The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) wants to hear from you.

CADTH is currently seeking 2 patient group input reports, one for asunaprevir and the other for daclatasvir; both treatments are being developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Thus, the Pacific Hep C Network (PHCN) needs your thoughts, opinions, and experiences for our reports.

The patient group input reports requested by CADTH are an important step towards getting new treatments for hep C more widely available in Canada and BC.

The reports help ensure that health outcomes and issues important to patients are incorporated into the Common Drug Review process in a formal and meaningful way. They help ensure that you can be a part of the process!

Once again, PHCN’s patient input survey has been redesigned to, hopefully, help you easily voice your opinions and share your experiences.

There are now two PHCN input surveys. The first survey was written for those with hep C or those who have had hep C. It includes 22 questions, mostly multiple choice, and is divided into 4 sections. The most important of these sections are ‘Section 2 of 4: Your Expectations of Asunaprevir and Daclatasvir’ and ‘Section 3 of 4: Your Experience with Asunaprevir and/or Daclatasvir’, if you have experience with asunaprevir and/or daclatasvir.

The second survey was written for loved ones or caregivers of those living with hep C / have had hep C. It includes 8 questions divided into 2 sections.

Survey responses are anonymous (we don’t know your name or other information about you). The information gathered will be used as part of a patient group input report for CADTH. By completing the survey you accept that PHCN can use the information gathered by it in our patient group input report for CADTH.

The survey links will only remain open until the last week of February, so please get your surveys in early and share the survey links with others ASAP.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinion and help advocate for a better tomorrow.

Please email PHCN’s Hepatitis C Treatment Information Project for more information about the surveys or visit the Hepatitis C Treatment Information Project for more information about asunaprevir and daclatasvir.

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