Launching Canada’s World Sexual Health Day Website


from the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity

As CGSHE we are excited to announce that we have partnered with the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) to launch the World Sexual Health Day -Canada platform:

Since 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) has been calling organizations, communities and individuals to celebrate sexual health, wellbeing and rights for all through World Sexual Health Day (WSHD). Focusing on a unique theme each year, WSHD is celebrated on September 4th across the globe with active participation from close to 50 countries. The theme for WSHD 2020 is “Sexual pleasure in times of COVID-19”.

This year’s World Sexual Health Day comes at a time where essential sexual and reproductive health services have been limited for many communities, gender-based violence is on the rise, and health and social inequities have been amplified for many youth, women and gender diverse people, especially LGBTQ2S+, Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities, refugee and migrant communities and people in poverty.

Please help us amplify the voices and work of organizations and research groups committed to gender equity, inclusive and intersectional feminism, reproductive justice and sexual health and well-being for all.


Our goals:

• Promote and help amplify World Sexual Health Day events in Canada. Organizing an event? Submit here.
• Provide resources for organizers on inclusivity and social justice. Check out our resources page.
• Bring together like-minded organizations, groups and individuals working towards advancing sexual health and rights in Canada. Download our media kit and join the conversation!