Education Events from the BC CfE: an HIV Cure and Determinants of HIV and Sexual Health among Marginalized Women

The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is presenting two education events next week:

Are We There Yet? An Update on HIV Cure Research

January 23, 2019, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Part of the HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series is a partnership between the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) and Positive Living BC.

The primary goals of this session are to increase each attendee’s competence to:

  • Understand the basic biology of HIV, antiretroviral therapy, and cure strategies
  • Describe the current strategies and state of cure development
  • Identify the hopes and concerns related to HIV cure development: a community perspective

Zabrina Brumme, PhD
Laboratory Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University

Terry Howard
Principal Consultant for GlassHouse Consultants
Secretary to the Board of Directors, Canadian Association for HIV Research

Free registration. The recorded session will be accessible on the BC-CfE’s website

Learn more and REGISTER


Migration-Related Determinants of HIV and Sexual Health among Marginalized Women: Barriers, Challenges and Implications for Health Service Delivery

January 23, 2019, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Part of a free lecture series delivered in Vancouver.

Speaker: Shira Goldenberg, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and a Research Scientist at the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE) at Providence Health Care.

She has 10 years experience in community-based research on HIV/STIs, human rights, and access to care amongst key populations including im/migrants, sex workers, and young women.

This is a free lecture and is open to the public.

Learn more and REGISTER