Welcome to CAHR 2019

Did you know that Saskatchewan has the highest rate of HIV in Canada and Indigenous populations across Canada are more affected by HIV than other groups?  Are you interested in learning more about the disease and what Canadian researchers and community leaders from across Canada are doing to end HIV here in Canada and globally?

The 28th annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research – to be held May 9-12, 2019 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan – will be an opportunity for you learn about HIV, recent scientific advances, treatment and prevention options, and a chance to meet and learn from other community members from across the country.  To attend the Conference, the registration link is noted below and those eligible can apply for a Community Registration Scholarships which will allow up to 80 community members to attend the event for free.  For more information:

For more information about CAHR 2019 and to sign up for the Conference update emails, visit www.cahr-acrv.ca/conference.