Opportunities and Challenges in HIV and Housing: New & Continued Learning from Positive Living Positive Homes

UPDATE, September 26, 2018

Due to scheduling issues beyond our control, we will be recording this webinar for on-demand viewing. Watch the PAN Weekly News for its release.


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PAN’s Positive Living Positive Homes (PLPH) research study is giving us much to think about in relation to housing and people living with HIV (PLHIV). In-depth interviews with PLHIV, service providers and policy makers took place in 2015-17, and deep analyses of rich information from these interviews are ongoing.

We continue to learn about how people’s perceptions of home, housing security and stability, and housing policies and services impact the health and well-being of PLHIV. The political landscape has changed since the interviews took place, both provincially and federally.

Viewers will learn more about the context of our findings in relation to political shifts, a comparison to HIV and housing in the U.S., and advocacy pieces to consider for community.



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Positive Living Positive Homes

Community-Based Research at PAN