PAN Member Spotlight: Share Your Work

PAN member groups are located in all regions of BC, and provide services for people living with HIV, HCV, and other health and social issues. Miles, workloads and funding make it hard to get together enough, we know. We also know that one of the things people comment on when we do get together for an event is that people really appreciate hearing about each others’ work and teams.

In order to help members get to know others better, we are borrowing from the PAN staff 5 Question Challenge. We’ve also implemented this format for the Collective Impact Network members, and now we are turning to our membership to share their work worlds.

Help members get to know you and get to know your fellow members and the great work they are doing in their communities. Take a look at the questions below and download the document to share your team’s responses. Pieces may be written or filmed* (contact Janet for details).

I will be connecting with members over the next little while to encourage your contributions to these blogs, but don’t wait if you’re ready to share your story now. PAN members do amazing work, and we want everyone to know about it.


The 5 Question Challenge Prompts:

Take these prompts and provide your response. Share what’s comfortable, and don’t be afraid to be share the fun stuff.

1. What is the vision of your organization/project and what populations do you serve?

2. In what area of BC are you located? What is one thing unique about your community and how it shapes your work?

3. Tell us something about your team. 

4. How do you feel PAN supports your work?

5. Can you share a “win” for your organization in the past year?



Download Five Questions for PAN members

*Media release: If you have a picture of your work space or team that we might include, that would be great. If you send a photo of team members, please make sure though, you have express written permission of everyone in the photo for us to use their likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in our PAN email and web-based publications without payment or other consideration. If you want a short and snappy media release form to use at your agency/organization, feel free to use this one: Media release form you can customize for your organization




Questions? Feedback? Get in touch! Janet Madsen, Capacity Building  and Knowledge Translation Coordinator, [email protected]