Key Health Inequalities in Canada: A National Portrait

“Canadians are among the healthiest people in the world. However, the benefits of good health are not equally enjoyed by all.”

A new report, Key Health Inequalities in Canada: A National Portrait, from the Public Health Agency of Canada presents results at the national level for 22 indicators of health status and determinants of health, selected to highlight some of the most pronounced and widespread health inequalities in Canada.

This introductory excerpt comes from the web page Understanding the report on Key Health Inequalities in Canada:

“Canadians are among the healthiest people in the world. However, as this report shows, the benefits of good health are not equally enjoyed by all. Many of these inequalities are the result of social, political, and economic disadvantages, which affect our chances of achieving and maintaining good health. This report describes the degree and distribution of key health inequalities in Canada, a critical step in taking action to advance health equity.”

This report is a product of the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting (HIR) Initiative, a collaboration among the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, Statistics Canada, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, and the First Nations Information Governance Centre. Based on a framework developed by the World Health Organization, the HIR Initiative aims to strengthen the measurement, monitoring and reporting of health inequalities in Canada through improved access to data and the development of resources to improve our knowledge of health inequalities.”


Visit the webpage for resources 

Read the report