Canadian Webinar Series: Resilience, Self-Efficacy, and Peer Support

Canadian Webinar Series on Implementing the WHO Consolidated Guideline on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Living with HIV

Friday, March 9th 9 – 10:30 AM PT  

Please register at:
Webinar ID: 154-319-107

The World Health Organization 2017 Consolidated guideline on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women living with HIV is grounded in and advocates for a strengthened, comprehensive, woman-centered approach to SRHR. The guideline outlines evidence-based recommendations and good practice statements for key operational and service delivery issues that need to be addressed in order to uphold human rights and promote gender equality. Unique to the development of this guideline, a global community survey was conducted on the SRHR priorities of women living with HIV. Throughout the guidelines the integration of peer support in service and community provision was noted as particularly important to the creation of enabling environments in which women living with HIV can thrive.

In Canada, people living with HIV who have access to and the support to adhere to antiretroviral therapy (ART) are able to live longer, healthier lives with effectively no risk of HIV transmission to sexual partners. These benefits of ART have not been extended equitably to all: women living with HIV have poorer HIV-related care outcomes than men across the HIV care cascade. Navigating health and social care remains challenging for many, particularly against a background of pervasive gendered and social disparities and HIV-related stigma. Interventions that foster peer-support, maximize individual strengths, and are responsive to community and cultural priorities have been identified as key strategies for building and shaping resilience, self-efficacy, and health among women living with HIV.

Some clinics and community-based organizations across Canada have integrated strategies to engage women in their own care and to strengthen the role of peer support. However, better guidance is needed regarding how best to ‘Support the Supporter’ and foster peer leadership, resilience, and self-efficacy among women living with HIV. This webinar will offer insight into the pathways towards and factors that contribute to resilience and self-efficacy among women living with HIV. During the webinar, women living with HIV, together with front-line community workers, researchers, clinicians, and policy makers, will share research and best-practice implementation strategies that prioritize GIPA (Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV) and MIWA (Meaningful Involvement of Women Living with HIV) principles to provide peer support, foster peer leadership, and support the resilience and self-efficacy of women living with HIV .


Webinar Objectives:

The overall goal of the webinar series is to support implementation of the WHO consolidated guidelines on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV.

Specific objectives include to:

  • Provide an overview of current research about resilience among women living with HIV and pathways between resilience and self-efficacy and other health outcomes in the Canadian context using data from the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS);
  • Introduce strategies and programs developed by women living with HIV and allied researchers, clinicians, and serviced providers to understand the importance of peer support and leadership and capacity building in fostering resilience and self-efficacy, and how best to support peer leaders;
  • Gain insights from women living with HIV to highlight gaps in research and priority areas for further attention;
  • Develop an action plan on how to support the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV in the Canadian context, including best practices to foster resilience, self-efficacy, peer support, and peer leadership among women living with HIV

See Speakers List and complete program and funder information

Please follow this link to register for the webinar:
Webinar ID: 154-319-107

Please contact Sarah Watt, Webinar Series Coordinator, at [email protected] for more information.


Learn More:

WHO Consolidated Guideline Executive summary

Link to the webinar on the consolidated guideline

Webinar #1: Trauma and Violence Aware Care

Webinar #2: Supporting Safe HIV Disclosure

Webinar #3: Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice