The 2014/15 From Hope to Health progress report

The BC Ministry of Health is pleased to share with you the second progress report of From Hope to Health: Towards an AIDS Free Generation. This progress report covers the second fiscal year of provincial expansion (April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015). In addition, there is a supporting technical document that details the source data and the parameters used to measure each milestone, goal and target.

This 2014/15 progress report highlights a decrease in the number of newly diagnosed HIV infections from the previous year, and the fact that fewer people in each health authority were living with a detectable viral load. More people in BC were diagnosed while in the very early stages of infection in 2014/15, with progress in early diagnosis seen in the majority of regions. Many more people in BC were reached with an HIV test, however, some HSDAs did not show the same increased testing as others. While testing is available in more settings, there is inconsistent reach of a routine offer of HIV testing (as per the Provincial Health Officer guidelines) in settings like primary and acute care.

This report also highlights new outcome data from the first program year, including the fact that more people living with HIV received drug treatment through the Centre’s HIV Drug Treatment Program – 74 percent as of March 31, 2014 (up from 72% in 2012).  In addition, very few people who were diagnosed in the early stages of infection had progressed to advanced disease in 2014/15. Finally, the BCCfE evaluation shows that between 1996-2010, 263 new HIV infections were prevented, and that the expansion of HAART during this time period was cost effective.