Release of 2013-2014 HIV and HCV G&Cs Performance Reports

phacThe Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to share with you the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada: Grant and Contributions Performance Measurement Report – 2013-2014 and the Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program: Grants and Contributions Performance Measurement Report – 2013-2014.

These reports summarize performance measurement findings for 2013-2014, based on the analysis of information received from funded projects through the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) the Project Evaluation and Reporting Tool (PERT) and the Ontario Community HIV/AIDS Reporting Tool (OCHART). They provide an overview of the achievements of the projects and information about their diverse activities and reach.

You will also find here a copy of the presentation on these reports which was offered on January 22, 2016 through the Communicable Disease and Infection Control Webinar Series.

The Agency strives to produce information that will be useful, and we welcome and encourage you to share any feedback you may have with us through your program consultant.