Bloodlines Magazine Evaluation – We Need Your Feedback!

Red RoScreen Shot 2015-02-10 at 8.51.26 PMad HIV/AIDS Network is conducting an evaluation of their Bloodlines Magazine. Bloodlines is a full colour magazine featuring Aboriginal Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (APHA). This magazine offers a forum in which APHA’s can share their personal experiences, discuss issues affecting them, offer advice and suggestions to their peers.

The evaluation of Bloodlines aims to explore potential benefits of reading Bloodlines, as well as strengths and areas for improvement. At this time, Red Road is specifically looking to gather feedback from those who have read Bloodlines Issue #13 (published in Winter 2014). If you have read this issue of Bloodlines, we need your feedback and would greatly appreciate if you could complete an online survey link (below). The survey will only take roughly 5 – 10 minutes of your time. Please note that your responses will be kept anonymous and confidential.

Link to the online evaluation survey:


Thank you in advance for your participation!

Questions? Comments? Feel free to get in touch with me at [email protected]

Elayne Vlahaki, MPH
President & Principal Consultant, Catalyst Consulting Inc.
Contract Manager, BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group, Pacific AIDS Network