2015 – International Year of Evaluation

EvalPartners, the global movement to strengthen national evaluation capacities has declared that 2015 will be the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear). The aim of designating 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation is to advocate and promote evaluation and evidence-based policy making at international, regional, national and local levels. EvalPartners invites interested individuals and organizations to join this global movement by visiting EvalYear website here.

Governments, international partners and civil society need to know how policies and programs shape the lives of people today and in future generations. Given this, EvalPartners is facilitating a global dialogue among key stakeholders, including civil society organizations. The aim of the dialogue is to advocate and promote evaluation and evidence-based policy making at international, regional, national and local levels through 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear).

In the spirit of EvalYear, I encourage all PAN E-News readers to think about how they will advocate and promote evaluative thinking in their work this upcoming year. Also, you can join the EvalYear movement here to remain engaged with this initiative’s activities through the year.

Questions? Comments? Get in touch with me at [email protected]

Elayne Vlahaki, MPH
Manager, BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group, Pacific AIDS Network