Programs and Projects


The Pacific AIDS Network (PAN) works with over 40 member organizations that provide HIV and HCV services to people in BC. Our programs help our members to strengthen staff capacity, professional development, and support people with lived experience as emerging leaders.


Training and Leadership programs help organizations and individuals strengthen services and community involvement. We work with communities to identify and develop what they need. Options include Positive Leadership Development Institute (for people living with HIV), our annual conference, regional training, and webinars.

Community-based Research and Evaluation programs discover priorities, shape programs and policies. Community-based research explores issues communities prioritize for exploration, change, and advocacy. Evaluation helps communities and organizations discover how their work is successful, what can be reshaped, and what might be initiated.

  • Policy Change and Collective Action: We work to address stigma, discrimination, policies, and human rights concerns at various tables and in collaboration with others. We work with communities most affected by these issues, gathering data through community-based research and sharing findings to bring about change. We speak with government ministries, funders, health authorities and related allies and stakeholders.

Resources Our work with provincial and national partners provides us with perspectives on HIV, HCV, and the social aspects that influence health and wellness. Our resources section provides information on our work as well as public policy and public health, advocacy, and health issues that can complicate HIV and HCV outcomes.

