Category: Advocacy, Policy, Public Health

BC’s Overdose Overview, September 29, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides weekly updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics… Read more »

from Action Hepatitis Canada Updated October 26, 2020: Ideally, a patient could get tested for hepatitis C, receive their diagnosis, and start treatment ALL on the same day. This happens in Egypt, Myanmar, and now in Australia — so why not in Canada? What policies and regulations need to change, and to what technology do… Read more »

BC’s Overdose Overview, September 23, 2020

The BCCDC Overdose Dashboard provides weekly updates on: Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS) Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined) Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA) Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view) Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics… Read more »

  Attention former members of Positive Living Society: this notice may affect your legal rights NOTICE OF CERTIFICATION AND SETTLEMENT On September 4, 2020, Justice Milman of the Supreme Court of BC approved the certification and the  settlement of the class action commenced in 2017 by “John Doe 1” on behalf of 796 members of… Read more »

P4W Memorial Collective Calls for Support

via the P4W Memorial Collective The P4W Memorial Collective is an abolitionist group of women who were imprisoned at the federal Prison for Women, alongside women, trans and non-binary folks who have never been in prison, working together to create and enliven healing spaces and abolitionist dreams. The Collective is concerned about the recently published… Read more »

CAPUD Canadian Methadone Survey

CAPUD is asking for help in sharing this survey they are conducting this month. They are collecting data September 1 to September 30. Complete the survey online. Download and print the survey. After completing, scan and send to Matthew Bonn, CAPUD Program Coordinator: [email protected]. Any questions can be directed to Matthew as well.

    Date: September 17, 2020 Time: 9 – 10:30 AM Pacific time This webinar is a partnership between the Alliance for Healthier Communities and CATIE. Race-based epidemiological data are not currently being collected in a consistent manner across Canada, including during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and in regards to HIV and hepatitis… Read more »

PHCN & HepCBC- Formal Announcement

via Pacific Hepatitis C Network and HepCBC It is with deep gratitude and excitement that we bring you this news: Pacific Hepatitis C Network and HepCBC are officially in the process of becoming a single, hepatitis-serving organization. On August 26 2020, the HepCBC Board of Directors voluntarily resigned, and an entirely new slate of directors… Read more »

Substance Use News August 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working to support folks who use substances. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. With the added layer of the coronoavirus/COVID-19 public health constraints, those working in harm reduction have heightened… Read more »