CAHR Conference 2023, Quebec City


The 32nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research is open for registration. The annual CAHR conference is the premier gathering in Canada for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic. Community involvement plays a vital role at the annual CAHR Conference.

Community Scholarship applications are being accepted until Wednesday February 1, 2023. Eighty Community Registration Scholarships will be awarded for CAHR 2023. Scholarship recipients will receive complimentary Conference registration. All other costs (travel, accommodation, child care) involved with the recipient’s participation will not be covered. Learn more about community scholarships.

Early Bird registration rates are available until March 15, 2023. View the Registration page for more information on fees and deadlines.

Abstract submissions are being accepted until Wednesday, January 11, 2023. Topics fall under CAHR’s four tracks: Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Epidemiology and Public Health Sciences and Social Sciences. An additional oral abstract session will once again be offered with a focus on Key Populations. For information on the subjects within each track and abstract guidelines click here.


Visit conference website.