HIV Legal Network Strategic Plan: Rights Within Reach

from HIV Legal Network


Introducing Rights Within Reach: Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Beginning in 2021, The HIV Legal Network undertook a comprehensive assessment process, involving key stakeholders, current and former staff, and board members, to identify our strengths and our areas for growth. We looked at the areas where our work has changed laws, policies, and lives thus far, and considered what we need to do to realize our goals.

The result is Rights Within Reach, an ambitious plan that builds upon our momentum in key policy areas. It outlines ways in which we’ll forge new partnerships and deepen existing ones to further our commitment to reconciliation and centering Indigenous perspectives, combating anti-Black and other forms of racism, and employing an intersectional feminist lens throughout our work. Finally, it considers how the Legal Network must prioritize organizational development to meet its audacious — but reachable — goals.

Rights Within Reach is now available on our website. In it, you will see how we intend to create a more just society where everyone can fully enjoy their rights. We have already taken many of the necessary steps and are seeing promising developments on so many fronts, from ending HIV criminalization to realizing LGBTQ+ rights in the Caribbean.