Funding opportunity from FNHA for International Overdose Awareness Day


See post on First Nations Health Authority site.

Host an Event or Ceremony in your Community on International Overdose Awareness Day


In 2016, BC declared a public health emergency in response to the opioid crisis, or what is now being referred to as the toxic drug supply crisis. A tainted and unpredictable drug supply is flooding the illicit drug market in BC and has worsened considerably in the past two years.

An unprecedented number of toxic drug events and deaths are taking people’s lives, especially First Nations people. People from all walks of life are dying – our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children and friends. And every day we are losing more people.

August 31, 2022 is International Overdose Awareness Day. International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose. It is a day to remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. It is a time to remember and a time to act.


Get a $2,000 Grant to Host an Event

The FNHA is offering community-based grants of $2,000 for First Nation communities and health and social, non-profit organizations that provide wellness and harm reduction services to Indigenous people and correctional facilities located in BC to hold an event, gathering or ceremony on or around August 31, 2022. These grants are intended to hold up the good work needed to honour lives lost, encourage conversations, reduce stigma, and share stories.


Some Ideas for Events or Activities

Grants are intended to support an event, gathering or ceremony that reflects the unique needs of your community or group as it relates to the toxic drug supply. Some ideas for the day could include, but are not limited to:

  • Grief and loss supports or circles
  • Education sessions or speakers
  • Community meal with guest speaker
  • Ceremony
  • A commemorative space or design (e.g., mural, carving, plaque, sculpture, a garden space)
  • Community event where everyone is welcomed together in a safe space
  • How to use naloxone
  • Cultural gathering to share teachings
  • Create and share medicine bundles
  • Candle light vigil
  • Collage of videos and pictures of those who have died
  • Designate a space for a memorial
  • Harm reduction conversations


How to Apply

The deadline to submit your application is Friday August 12, 2022. Go to FNHA post to read and download application forms