Recruiting Patient Partners for Fraser Health’s Gender Inclusivity Strategy

About the project

Fraser Health is developing a plan to implement recommendations towards creating a gender inclusive climate for Transgender, Non-Binary, Two Spirit (TNB2S) patients, staff and volunteers within Fraser Health. Fraser Health is seeking TNB2S community members to join our Steering Committee.

This is part of a patient-oriented research project funded by the BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre to support the development and implementation of a gender inclusive strategy for the Fraser Health community. The BC SUPPORT Unit defines “patient partners” as anyone with lived experience navigating the health system for a health need. In this case, we are defining “patient partners” as members of our Fraser Health community (patients, staff, and volunteers) who self-identify as TNB2S, or care for a loved one who identifies as TNB2S. Over the last year, this team has undertaken a comprehensive engagement process to understand the experiences of TNB2S patients, staff, and volunteers. This engagement surfaced significant challenges faced by TNB2S patients and employees. In light of the lived/living experiences of TNB2S patients and employees, using an iterative and consultative process, our Shared Work Team has developed eight dimensions of proposals to live up to key guiding values for the gender inclusiveness strategy. These values include respect for patients and staff, building trust of the healthcare system with the TNB2S population, and setting clear standards for staff to support the needs of TNB2S patients. These values also define how we work together, and are intended to create a safe and open environment for the Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee will develop detailed implementation plans for the proposed recommendations in each dimension and suggest priorities for action. This work will also include developing an overarching framework and roadmap through a coordinated approach owned across the organization to ensure connections across the system. The executive sponsors of the project (Fraser Health Diversity and Ethics Services)  will be responsible for seeking approval of the action plans from the Fraser Health executive team.

The Steering Committee, comprising of a group of about 21 individuals from diverse backgrounds, and led by the Diversity Leader in Fraser Health, will provide leadership in planning, implementing and coordinating integrated system-wide improvements to gender inclusivity.


Role of ‘patient’ partners on the project

We are looking for TNB2S folks to join our steering committee to:

  • Provide critical input and feedback on the steps, methods, and outcomes related to the integrated system-wide improvements
  • Review communication materials and strategies intended for TNB2S patients and employees, and provide feedback on any red flags and other issues
  • Provide feedback about the implementation process and impacts of the interventions on care for TNB2S patients and supports for TNB2S employees.

Meetings of the Steering Committee will be monthly, for approximately 6 months, likely beginning in January 2022. The meetings will likely last 1 – 1.5 hours, between 10 am and 4 pm on weekdays, and will be held virtually. At the preliminary meeting, members will review the mandate of the Steering Committee. To ensure efficient conversations and maximum input from the important perspectives on the SC (including yours!), it is beneficial if you attend all meetings. If you have to miss a meeting (as life happens), the project coordinator will do their best to catch you up between meetings. We also commit to a working environment that fosters safety and confidentiality; all experiences shared in the Steering Committee will be used to be inform the development of recommendations, but identifiable and personal information and details will not be shared outside the team. Our team will work with you to create opportunities of involvement that may suit your preferences more appropriately. For example, you can choose to join Zoom meetings via audio only or by using a pseudonym.



In addition to participating in the meetings, Steering Committee members will be requested to review documents between meetings. This in-between work should take 1-2 hours/month. We recognize the financial costs of participation, and offer compensation for the time it takes for your participation, including attending meetings or preparation between meetings. Compensation for your participation of 2-3.5 hours per month will be $150/month, payable at each meeting (you may also choose other in-kind gifts, such as gift cards, payments for conferences etc.). Please note that all out-pocket-expenses related to engagement activity (e.g. travel costs if applicable) will be reimbursed.


Support or Questions

We would be happy to provide more information about this project, discuss further about the scope and expectations of your role, and address any of your questions. Please email Lin Chen, Project Coordinator ([email protected]), if you are interested or would like to learn more. All patient partners will be supported using a strengths-based approach by the BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre; you can contact Beverley Pomeroy, Patient Engagement Specialist ([email protected]), to learn more.