Registration is open for PAN’s Positive Leadership Development Institute Online Core Training

Get ready for the next Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) Online Core Training! We encourage you to share this post with your Peers, Support Workers, Educators, Case Managers and Peer Navigators to communicate this leadership opportunity to People Living with HIV.

This training is offered at no cost to participants.   (Funding for this program is provided by Public Health Agency of Canada – Community Action Fund)

This training welcomes people living with HIV who have not previously taken Core Training and is a professional leadership development opportunity that invites participants to answer the question Who am I as a leader?”  


What participants can expect:

  • A dynamic online adaptation of our in-person Core Training for new participants.
  • A mix of instructor-driven sessions through Zoom and self-paced sessions offered through an online E-learning platform.
  • Three live weekly three hour facilitated sessions with PLDI Trainers.

The Online Core Training  will be running on three Saturdays, from 9 AM-noon Pacific time:

  • Saturday, November 13
  • Saturday November 20
  • Saturday, November 27

Successful applicants will take part in the second BC Online Core Training.  The application deadline is Monday Nov 8, 2021 (4:00 PM Pacific time).


Please note: All applications will be reviewed by the PLDI BC team to ensure diversity and a mix of seasoned and emerging leaders.


Who is PLDI for?

PLDI welcomes people living with HIV who have not previously taken Core Training.  PLDI is a professional development opportunity – it is not a support group. People attending the training are expected to be present and participating for the duration.  Successful training graduates receive a Certificate!   

Throughout the training, participants are encouraged to see themselves as part of a larger community of PLHIV, value and appreciate the unique experiences that accompany anyone living with HIV, and understand the history and evolution of the global and local responses to HIV.

However, there are limitations to what this course is able to achieve. It is not designed to assist PLHIV to come to terms with their diagnosis, nor is it a therapeutic intervention. It is designed for PLHIV who are interested in building their leadership and resilience capacities either in the HIV sector or their personal lives.    (HIV-Positive Leaders come from all walks of life)

Ensuring that PLDI graduates are supported, prepared and able to go back into their communities to commit to social change and to challenge HIV stigma is an ambitious undertaking. It is our belief that it is the collective effort and the passion of PLHIV who have driven many of the changes in HIV policy, practice, and research and it is PLHIV who will affect how we see HIV tomorrow.

Many Grads have used the PLDI Trainings as a springboard for volunteering, paid work, community engagement or simply seeing their lived experience of HIV being translated into more self-confidence and pride.

If you know someone living with HIV who might be interested in this training, pass along this video PLDI Promo and  Pozcast  The Positive Effect


Past participants quotes from our Pilot online training in June-July 2021  

– “ I have been telling all my friends about how valuable this was to be with other people with HIV and hear about what they are doing, their challenges and their struggles.”

– “I wish it was in person so we could really get to know the classmates and even the leaders on a personal level, but that being said I’m blessed to have experience this course as I did through technology.”

– “I feel I have gained more knowledge on becoming a leader in my community. I will take and use each of the 5 practices in consideration.”



If you have questions about the program, please contact Marc Seguin, Manager of PLDI:  [email protected]