Updated: Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction!


About the event

Date: Friday, June 11, 2021
Time: 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific time

Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction! is a coming together of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities to discuss stigma from an intersectional perspective as it is experienced/enacted broadly in relation to health and the social determinants of health. Our goal with Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction! is to move out of our silos by providing a space for different sectors and communities working towards stigma reduction to come together. We want to learn from one another and collaborate together towards taking action to tackle stigma.

Everyone welcome! Whether you are working in, experiencing, or thinking about stigma.


What do we mean by stigma?

Stigma is a powerful social process that is characterized by labeling, stereotyping, and separation, leading to status loss and discrimination.

Stigma is brought to bear on individuals or groups both for health (e.g., disease-specific) and non-health (e.g., poverty, homelessness, Indigeneity, gender identity, migrant status) differences, whether real or perceived.

Stigma can be internalized, perceived, or experienced/enacted and can happen across many areas of a person’s life – for example, at the personal level; at the systemic level, including accessing services (e.g., accessing health care); and at the governmental/policy level (e.g., laws).

-From: The PAN Deliberative Dialogue (2019) and Nyblade, et. al. (2019)


  1. Provide a space to talk about health-related stigma with an intersectional lens with people from different communities, experiences, and areas of work.
  2. Share and learn about how we can provide services that are stigma free and how we can build programs and services that fight stigma.
  3. Meet others, and build relationships between diverse communities and groups who work to fight stigma across BC.


Schedule for the day, June 11, 2021

9:30 – 10:00 Sunrise: Welcoming by Elder Sempulyan Gonzalez of Squamish
10:00 – 10:15 Introduction: Breaking Down Silos – The plan for the day
10:15 – 11:45 Morning: Fireside Conversation & Discussion

A moderated discussion focusing on the ideas, information, and experiential elements of intersectional stigma.

Moderator: Anita David
Speakers: Sekani Dakelth, Charlene Burmeister & Jessy Dame

11:45 – 12:30 Mid-day: Rest, replenish, lunch


12:30 – 1:00 Welcome back: Drumming and singing / Intro. to rest of the day
1:00 – 2:45 Afternoon: Presentations / Discussion

A series of short presentations highlighting stigma reduction work in BC with a chance for Q&A with the presenters.

Presentations by: Heather McCain, TJ Felix, Chris Rahim, Kathryn Proudfoot, Victoria Maxwell, Nicolas Crier, Laura “LT” Todd, Patience Magagula and more.


2:45 – 3:00 Sunset: Closing

Wrapping up the day

On the Event page – 

  • See the group of speakers
  • Share your experiences and ideas of what works well to reduce stigma
  • Go to Event page now