BC’s Overdose Overview April 4-10, 2021

Help the BC CDC improve how to present publicly available overdose data. Take the Survey before Sunday April 18.


BC’s weekly overdose dashboard of provincial and regional overdose activity provides updates on:

• Illegal drug overdoses attended by paramedics (BCEHS)
• Illicit drug toxicity deaths (BCCS defined)
• Mortality rate maps by Health Services Delivery Area (HSDA)
• Severity of ingestion poisoning calls coded in most severe category at time of ambulance dispatch (provincial view)
• Severity of overdose patient presentation assessed by paramedics using the Glasgow Coma Scale (health authority pages)
• Proportion of overdose patients transported to hospital


Weekly Overdose dashboard placemat April 4-10, 2021

In the news this week: More than 7,000 lives lost to toxic drugs in 5 years — and this B.C. health crisis is only getting worse
April 14: “People who use drugs are in a health crisis and they should not face criminal penalties,” said BC Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Sheila Malcolmson. “Drug laws and enforcing them has had a punishing effect on people, driving them to use alone and putting their lives in serious jeopardy.”


BC Coroners Service: Increased drug toxicity leads to record number of January deaths


Drug Alerts for People who Use Substances


Learn more

See the Overdose Response Indicators recorded by the BC Centre for Disease Control

See the March edition of Substance Use News

See our Drug Use and Overdose response resources

Use the Human Rights Education Toolkit for community advocacy