Opportunity in question


Or rather, what is the opportunity within a question?

We all like answers because of the opportunity to inform, educate, or clarify. Behind every great answer, however, sits an equally valuable question. The Canadian Liver Foundation recently launched their ‘Just Ask’ campaign to recognize March as Liver Health Month. They invite people to participate by submitting a question that will reach a diverse group of people who access care, experts, and Canadian Liver Foundation staff. Throughout the month of March, people also have the great opportunity to see the answers that are shared.

Along with many other organizations and groups, the Pacific AIDS Network is part of the provincial response to hepatitis C. To participate in this event, we will be submitting the question:


 “What resources are needed by healthcare practitioners in smaller-populated or rural areas to improve their capacity to provide effective linkage to care for people living with hepatitis C in their community?”


This of course spawns many other related questions in the mind, but we feel this is important to ask because healthcare practitioners play a role in hepatitis C elimination efforts. Regarding the word ‘effective’, we believe that people with lived experience of hepatitis C have a right to efficient healthcare service delivery that includes compassionate communication to minimize incidents of stigma experienced.

We invite BC community members to participate in the ‘Just Ask’ campaign by formulating their own question and submitting at the link provided. Participating strengthens awareness which is foundational to our provincial advocacy efforts in creating change for hepatitis C.

Here are some characteristics of effective questions to assist with your participation process:









Guiding but not leading


Click here to participate in the Canadian Liver Foundation’s ‘Just Ask’ event:


Questions? Comments? Get in touch.
Monte Strong, Hepatitis C Leadership Project Coordinator, [email protected]


Image: Jon Tyson on Unsplash